JoinedTopics Started by Pattytheperfectone
What Was Your Body of Elders Like?
by minimus inwere they pretty much a good group of men?
we're they jerks?.
by blondie inif you pm a mailing address and your name of choice, i can gather together a list and send it to your e-mail or pm you by december 10.. love, blondie.
Marriage outside the religion punishable?
by Pattytheperfectone innow i know they have always discouraged marrying outside of their so called 'truth' but since when has it been a punishable offense?
my sister recently married and they are discussing wether her being married to an outsider will stumble others and if they need to reprove or disfellowship her for it..
Audience Contact - Use of notes
by mikeypants inwell, no audience contact but i am talking about use of notes.
i always wondered about note taking at conventions and assemblies.
why does this happen?
Aren't You Glad That You Are Out Of The JW Religion?
by minimus ini am so happy to be out of the cult.
i would never go back!
i don't know some still could accept this religion, be here, regularly and not just get out..
Birthday Cake Ice Ceam
by Pattytheperfectone inmy sister recently went back to the witness religion and has a precious 4 year old boy.
he is the most adorable little boy, as all children are at that age.
i respect my sisters decision to go back to the religion, i cringe and don't like it but it's her decision to make.
First post after a year or two of lurking on this site-Sorry for the length!
by Pattytheperfect1 innot sure of the point of telling my story, but just got off the phone with my grandma and i am so angry, stressed and i don't know what else...i guess i just wanted to hear from someone other than my husband that i'm not crazy for my reaction to family interaction.. my condensed story gramatical errors and all :).
father was a born in jw, mother was a convert.
i was born the last of 3 siblings and shortly after my birth in 1981 my parents divorced.
JWs target retirement homes
by Scully inin a recent post ( new directives to congregations by the wts included: it also suggests that the owners of all local old folks homes be contacted to provide a "free weekly bible discussion" to all elderly who want to attend in the home.
this is to be a planned weekly event to increase the number of studys pioneers hold and "provide a valuable service to the community" the society expect to see bible studies go up by 25% this year.. .
well, it is nice for us to get this heads up from the brothers?, isn't it?