I don't know about the whole body of elders but one in particular always rubbed me the wrong way and I can't stand to even look at him on the rare occassion my grandma gets me to join her at 'not a church' when I visit from out of town. At the age of 21 after my 15 yr old sister sister felt obligated to clear her concious before baptism and tell the elders what my father had done to me I get a phone call from two elders asking if it was true. I had left the religion and cut off contact with my family at 19 and so the phone call was a shock but the even bigger shock was his response when I told him it was true...'well that explains you' was what he had the audacity to say to me. Wonderful person to be leading, counseling and encouraging a congregation huh? another example of his either stupidity or naivety is this...my sister left the religion at 18 and returned at 23 after having a mixed race child (my nephew is the most adorable little boy ever!). My sister also has multiple tattoos, one being a panther on the top of her foot. One of the questions this moron asked her when she returned to 'not a church' was if she got that tattoo when she joined the black panthers. i laughed my butt off when she told me they asked her that and laughed even harder when I realized it was my favorite insensitive elder.
JoinedPosts by Pattytheperfectone
What Was Your Body of Elders Like?
by minimus inwere they pretty much a good group of men?
we're they jerks?.
by blondie inif you pm a mailing address and your name of choice, i can gather together a list and send it to your e-mail or pm you by december 10.. love, blondie.
So neat! sounds like a good way to get in the Christmas spirit. last couple of years I've bah humbugged my way through Christmas but this year I'm getting into it again and enjoying it. Would love to send some cheer to others.
Marriage outside the religion punishable?
by Pattytheperfectone innow i know they have always discouraged marrying outside of their so called 'truth' but since when has it been a punishable offense?
my sister recently married and they are discussing wether her being married to an outsider will stumble others and if they need to reprove or disfellowship her for it..
That's what I thought, once you are married what really is there to say? That's why I was surprised when she told me the elders seemed to be leaning towards reproval but said they would have to talk and get back to her. My question on here was merely because I was surprised, not worried about her well being. she'll be ok no matter what the end result; she's always got me and her husband seems to be a great guy. by now I don't know why anything surprises me or angers me anymore. Maybe one day I'll learn to let go of the anger but I doubt the surprises will end.
Audience Contact - Use of notes
by mikeypants inwell, no audience contact but i am talking about use of notes.
i always wondered about note taking at conventions and assemblies.
why does this happen?
Personally I took notes for two reasons:
1. So I didn't get yelled at on the drive home by my mother.
2. As I got older I realized taking notes was the only real way to keep me awake and prevent the occasional nodding off.
Marriage outside the religion punishable?
by Pattytheperfectone innow i know they have always discouraged marrying outside of their so called 'truth' but since when has it been a punishable offense?
my sister recently married and they are discussing wether her being married to an outsider will stumble others and if they need to reprove or disfellowship her for it..
My sister still believes most the religion but has been in and out since she was 18. among other things she has done she had a child without being married during the 6 years she was inactive. they let her come back with no restrictions of 'privileges' so I was just shocked that after they accepted her crazy past with no punishment her being married was something they felt they needed to discuss further and decide repricussions. It makes me much more angry and offended than it does her being that she still believes the religion is the truth. If they are giving her crap about being married to a non believer I'm surprised they haven't said anything to her about associating with me. Maybe being that I moved a couple hours away and no one but my sister knows how I truly feel means that subject won't come up with the elders. i know how my family feels being that no one but my sister will talk to me...they probably partially blame me for her 'evil ways'.
Marriage outside the religion punishable?
by Pattytheperfectone innow i know they have always discouraged marrying outside of their so called 'truth' but since when has it been a punishable offense?
my sister recently married and they are discussing wether her being married to an outsider will stumble others and if they need to reprove or disfellowship her for it..
Now I know they have always discouraged marrying outside of their so called 'truth' but since when has it been a punishable offense? My sister recently married and they are discussing wether her being married to an outsider will stumble others and if they need to reprove or disfellowship her for it.
JWs target retirement homes
by Scully inin a recent post (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/67537/1051937/post.ashx#1051937) new directives to congregations by the wts included: it also suggests that the owners of all local old folks homes be contacted to provide a "free weekly bible discussion" to all elderly who want to attend in the home.
this is to be a planned weekly event to increase the number of studys pioneers hold and "provide a valuable service to the community" the society expect to see bible studies go up by 25% this year.. .
well, it is nice for us to get this heads up from the brothers?, isn't it?
While the proposed monthly meeting at nursing homes is a new thing targeting these nursing homes for studies is nothing new, at least not in the congregation I was raised in. There was always one or two pioneer sisters that regularly trolled nursing homes looking for new people to 'study' with. I remember being a little girl drug along on these trips and being scared of Some of the dementia/Alzheimer's patients. I also remember the 'studies' that even at a young age I could totally tell only accepted and went along because they wanted someone to talk and visit with. Even if the studies were pointless I always felt that at least for that 30 minutes each week that person didn't feel alone.
My husband takes medical marijuana in order to not take so many opioid pain killers; his father with the same condition died in his 40's from too many painkillers harming his liver among other issues. Needless to say, I much prefer the pot to an early death of my husband. My mother told me she understood and that the JW's were ok with it as long as it was medical and he had a prescription...this was at a time in my life when I had decided I was going to give the religion a chance after years out and my mom was trying to convince my husband to jump on the crazy train with me. My attempt to rejoin was short lived and as soon as my mom realized that, she told my sister how sad she was that WE chose smoking marijuana (my husband does with a dr's recommendation, not I) over serving Jehovah and that she would have to limit her contact with me again. Not a word to me or even a phone call, just judgement. So supposedly it's ok, but only if you attend their 'not a church' Kingdom Hall.
Aren't You Glad That You Are Out Of The JW Religion?
by minimus ini am so happy to be out of the cult.
i would never go back!
i don't know some still could accept this religion, be here, regularly and not just get out..
After many years out feeling guilty and blaming myself for my families 'limited contact' due to my sinning ways I am finally guilt free and extremely glad I no longer believe I am going to die with all the 'evil worldly people'. Finding TTATT was the scariest anger inducing experience for me, yet also the most liberating thing ever!!
Birthday Cake Ice Ceam
by Pattytheperfectone inmy sister recently went back to the witness religion and has a precious 4 year old boy.
he is the most adorable little boy, as all children are at that age.
i respect my sisters decision to go back to the religion, i cringe and don't like it but it's her decision to make.
I've been out for 14 years but only accepted the wackiness and untruth of the religion 2 years ago after reading Crisis of Conscious (How I came across that book after so long out is kind of amusing). Until I read that book and started reading online I always felt a little guilty for celebrating holidays and birthdays. In fact for the first three years I actually celebrated holidays I ALWAYS got miserably sick when the holiday came around and I used to think it was Jehovah punishing me. I still don't make a big deal out of my birthday but my tradition of a quiet night at home with my husband cooking me dinner and eating an amazing Cold Stone ice cream birthday cake no longer has a single ounce of guilt attached to it!