HowTheBibleWasCreated What is the source you are using? Is there any book where I can find your approach? I am interested in understanding the motives behind the stories told in the Pentateuch. I believe that there must be a core of truth, but it is difficult to know.
JoinedPosts by opusdei1972
How The Bible Was Invented- 8. The Tribe of Judah (Or was it?)
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inthe blessing of jacob was likely judean written as a retraction to the former in the late 700s.. .
33:22of dan he said,.
the judean text (blessing of jacob) says about dan:.
I was aware about CoC 12 years ago. At first, I rejected to read it, because I thought that Ray was an apostate and an Evil man. I thought it because the Watchtower taught me that if an anointed falls into apostasy, he would be against the Holy Spirit, his sin would not be forgiven. One day, after defending the Watchtower faith against the Catholic faith of my cousin, he quoted me some portions of the book, so I had to read it. However, after a carful reading I noted that CoC exposed some interesting aspects of the Watchtower policies and legalisms that I had criticized in the past. Some years later, after a deep research on the history of the Watchower, I had to admit that Raymond was totaly right by exposing the falsehood of the religion. One of the books who helped me to see the fraud of this cult was Apocalypse Delayed. When I read that RUtherford was a drunken, I could not believe it, but I confirmed it by reading his diatribes against Walter Salter and Olin Moyle.
The problems Bible believers have with Atheists is the burden of proof is on the Believer and we just do not have enough proof.
by booker-t ini recently posted a post telling this board my athesit coworker stumped me with questions about the validity of the ark story and i just cannot stop talking to her.
i love hearing her side and point of view which in the past i would have dismissed as "satanic" thinking.
she has some very good questions and i am having a hard time answering them.
If we define God as the Perfect Being, we can't know him through the verses of the Old Testament, because it contains contradictory statements about the personality of God. So, if we want to believe in God, with must to search Him through other source. Although I don't know which, I admit.
If you had the audience of the GB, what is your #1 question you would ask them?
by Darth Fader The Sequel inthere are a million of them and mine is by no means the most important question to ask them if i only had one shot at it.
but, i have always wondered what kind of bs excuse they would give as an answer to this question: "brother goober bum, given that there are both male and female partakers here on earth who claim to be of the 'anointed' and plan on being of the 144,000 ruling with christ in heaven for eternity........ why are the female 'anointed' treated as submissive, second class citizens and why is their opinion on doctrinal matters, matters of teaching and reproving, anything at all.... why are they not recognized while here on earth even though you claim that jesus has selected them to become angels to rule with him?
If you read some Watchtower Apologists in internet, you will note they use better arguments than any governing body member.
Most absurd thing I heard at the convention yesterday!
by Batman89 inbrother lett was giving the last talk of the day about what they supposedly accomplished in 100 years.
i was just waking up so im paraphrasing alittle(i was dosing off all day) anyways in his introduction he said.
"there is more evidence to prove gods kingdom on the earth is a reality than wind,electricity and gravity is a reality on the earth".
The members of the Governing Body have to keep the flock in the theological fantasy. This is their task, otherwise most of the witnesses would be awake about the reality. You will see what will happen when the overlapping generation passes away (about 2034), the new members of the GB will have to invent a new patch for the understanding of Matthew 24:34.
Advice Needed
by HeyThere inso my situation is changing and i am trying to figure out the best way for me to handle this.
i am an unbaptized publisher married to a dub who was inactive when we met and when we married and during the course of our marriage, and just went back active a year and a half ago.
he is a full believing dub.
I was disfellowshipped, because I had a wordly girlfriend, though I was a single man. Then, we (my girlfriend and I) had to separate us because I went back to my native country to finish my studies in the university. Then I knew a wordly woman, and I married her. Immediately after, I had to go to other country with my wife to begin my postgraduate studies. Then I felt that I should return to the organization to save my family of Armaggedon. I believed that the Watchtower had the Truth, although I was shocked when, in the past, I had to face a judiciary meeting with the elders when I confessed that I had a wordly girlfriend. .......I remember that they asked me about all the details of what I did in bed, though I did not want to tell them, they insisted with vehemence about every step of what I did........Then I was disfellowshipped because I decided not to leave her.....I remember that the elders told me that I took the same path of Adam, so we lost the paradise.
Well, being married, I returned to the organization after one year attending the meetings in a foreing country with my wife. My wife was convinced that the Organization had the Truth, but she was not so convinced of the blood ban. Then we had a babie, and she said that she would not know if she could leave our son to die for the blood ban. This is why she did not want to be baptized, because she was not sure if she could be ready to be loyal to "Jehovah" in that issue.
We always went regularly to the meetings with my son, but I was the only baptized one. Six years after, we (my wife and I) had a discussion about the blood ban, because I insisted that we must be loyal to Jehovah and she should decide soon to be baptized. Then, some time later, I became disappointed about the fanatic talks against higher education given by an elder of my congregation. Then I started to understand that there was something wrong and serious about the psycological treatment given by the leadership. My wife had noticed that, but in that time she was receiving a bible study with a sister.
Suddenly I told to my wife that It would be important to do a personal research about the blood ban and the history of the Society's policies. She agreed. Well, this is why I began to do a research of the Watchtower claims, though I was a Watchtower Apologist in the past. However, my eyes were opened and my wife and I understood that the Governing Body are a gang of liars.
Now, I and my family no longer support the Society nor we attend any of the meetings. Now my wife can celebrate christmas, her birthday, and we are happy to be free. I give thanks to God that my son of 8 years old have forget the Society, and he has his wordly friends as any normal boy. We believe that there is God, but we don't want to attend any church, but to leave in freedom with independent thinking.
Of course, I left the Society because we did a personal research about the Society's claims, but other would be the story if we would not have that independent thinking.
by Pinku inin one place one person says: some sins are unforgivable, even after ones death.
(mathew 12:32).
in another place, another person says: anyone who has died has been set free from sin, for the wages of sin is death.
I think that Paul was refering to those faithful christians who die, and not of all people. This is my take.
Who Donates Blood For Jehovah's Witnesses That Accept Blood Fragments?
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker inthe elders say "its very wrong to donate blood because you never know what the medical community is going to do with that blood.
" i asked one of the brothers who is a consultant at one of the medical centers, "why are we allowed to take blood fragments if were not allowed to donate blood?
" he/she refused to answer, just shook their head and walked away all red faced!
Some days ago my sister asked the same thing about why witnesses can't donate blood but they can accept blood fractions. The elders used the Old Testament to show that some things were permitted by the gentiles but were not for the Jews. So, my sister told them that we are not under the law of Moses, but they said that some principles remain. So, now I wonder, if some principles of the OT remain, we could take more than one wife, to kill cananites without mercy, etc.
Elders answer questions about the changes of the blood ban
by opusdei1972 insome days ago two elders visited my sister because she has not been attending the meetings more than one year.
this time she prepared notes containing watchtower past teachings about the blood ban so as to ask them for those changes, and it seems that the elders were also prepared for her past questions.
for instance she showed them that "albumin" was considered "under scriptural ban" in 1956 (read the page 20 of awake, september 8).
AndDontCallMeShirley..Yes, my sister showed the quotations about the organ transplants and she asked them why blood transfusion is banned if the Society admits that this is the same as a tissue transplantation. They answered that the Governing Body knows why, because they have the right to decide.
Elders answer questions about the changes of the blood ban
by opusdei1972 insome days ago two elders visited my sister because she has not been attending the meetings more than one year.
this time she prepared notes containing watchtower past teachings about the blood ban so as to ask them for those changes, and it seems that the elders were also prepared for her past questions.
for instance she showed them that "albumin" was considered "under scriptural ban" in 1956 (read the page 20 of awake, september 8).
This is why Marcion of Sinope had to reject the Old Testament because there he found contradictory statements against the love preached by Christ. In the Old Testament Rutherford found excelent examples to divide christians in classes, and so on. According to Wikipedia:
According to Marcion, the god of the Old Testament, whom he called the Demiurge, the creator of the material universe, is a jealous tribal deity of the Jews, whose law represents legalistic reciprocal justice and who punishes mankind for its sins through suffering and death. Contrastingly, the god that Jesus professed is an altogether different being, a universal god of compassion and love who looks upon humanity with benevolence and mercy. Marcion also produced his Antitheses contrasting the Demiurge of the Old Testament with the Heavenly Father of the New Testament.