Im not too keen on trying to wake my mom up, i need all the help with her that will hopefully come her way,lol
shes so unreasonable and cannot make heads or tails of anything said, that i have not let her drag me into what basically turns to me defending my right to use my brain, and nothing more. it just goes around in circles.
now if you and your father have an awesom close relationship and you have known him t oopenly question things in the past, and hes a man who has read things outside the org, like ANY real news magazines or documentaries. you might be able to slip in a comment every now and then
but ask yourself this, as I did.
what is your desired result? will it improve his situation or yours, or the families? or is it simply for the purpose of him knowing what you now know? is he financially secure, and can survive in the old way till he passes? if so you might not really benefit.
my mom knowing what I know would not change her one bit, shes still opinionated, think shes right about everything, does what she wants how she wants, and can live in a world with no other books accept the ones the watchtower wrote and thinks it equals a college education! lol. and she would suddenly not have anything to look forward to Sunday morning and Thursday night. she would loose what little social life she has now,[my sister already suffers from 'too much mom'] and shes in her early 70's her health is starting to suffer, and within ten years, she will be needing help, and me, I plan to be too busy making up the last freaking 40 years of my lost life to be driving her to the kin dum hall .