simon, I cant accept that nothing is the nothing that we interpret it to be.
the only nothing we can envision in our head is a black or white space void of any activity.
you cant have something come from nothing. there is always something. even if its microscopic somethings.
and they have to come 'from' someplace. thats why dwelling on this can make us crazy, lol.
we are only humans speculating and learning and discovering amazing things every day. always fun, but frustrating, because were so curious.
its going to be a never ending search for where things came from because humans will never live long enough to find everything out in one lifetime. plus, being able to safely record information in order for the new generations of researchers to use however, is going to be a challenge.
all it takes is a major fire earthquake flood volcano energy crisis ect, and all our 'saved' research information is gone. were still discovering amazing things about our own planet.
our ' big bang' is one of many. so, if were here there are others, and some more advanced or more primitive. maybe its like watching the show sliders,lol , there are other earths and other humans or creatures, in different stages of evolution. did we not find a planet similar to earth? well thats evolving too,so maybe someday we will be able to go there if its not going away from us too fast. but since we observe galaxies moving away from each other as if a bomb going off, objects being forced outward, we might never have the answers, because there will come a day where our galaxy will collide again, and earth might be destryed or damaged greatly ; or earth and other planets will drift farther away [and become a cold dead planet] into the great void from which a big bang may have happened to begin with. were powerless to do a thing about it. but either way, by the time that happens, Id hope humans have enough knowlege and advancements that they can see thier possible demise and vacate and have another place to go. matters not though, we wont live long enough to know.