Just reading that list was exhausting!
JoinedPosts by TowerWatch
Was the load of being a Witness, light?
by free2beme in"and you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.
" luke 11:46. as witnesses we want you to realize that the load put upon you is a light one.
one what is not burdensome, not something that would tire you or or over tax the mind.
How many have/will/plan to attend a WNFJ convention in Penn?
by AK - Jeff ini know a few here have and do so - i have listened to tons of the audio testimonials and have even had one poster here offer me a place to stay should i decide to go in october.
i just might go this time.. wnfj= witnesses now for jesus [ mostly former jw's and mormons] .
jeff .
Thanks Grace I will ask for Debbie or Katie when I call.
I just talked to who ever answered the phone and I did not get a name.
How many have/will/plan to attend a WNFJ convention in Penn?
by AK - Jeff ini know a few here have and do so - i have listened to tons of the audio testimonials and have even had one poster here offer me a place to stay should i decide to go in october.
i just might go this time.. wnfj= witnesses now for jesus [ mostly former jw's and mormons] .
jeff .
Cal I have to correct you there darling YOU LOSE YOUR MONEY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANce NOW...
I know this cos Roy Lathrop had$ 90 on his & cancelled well before the time it USED to be. But lost it all Also Shirley Jackson.... So speak to Katie at Blue Mountain ....I called Blue Mountain this afternoon before I posted that info and they said that if you cancel 45 days in advance you get your deposit back.
I'll call them again tomorrow and make sure.
Getting shunned by JW's that were always WEAK makes me so mad
by PaNiCAtTaCk indoesnt it make you mad to get shunned by jw's that barely made the meetings??
to get shunned by jw's that you used to go encourage.
by jw's that always led double lives.
Doesnt it make you mad to get shunned by JW's that barely made the meetings?? To get shunned by JW's that you used to go encourage. By JW's that always led double lives. Do they not see the hypocrisy! Has this happened to you?
I guess they finally found a Watchtower decree they can carry out successfully.
How many have/will/plan to attend a WNFJ convention in Penn?
by AK - Jeff ini know a few here have and do so - i have listened to tons of the audio testimonials and have even had one poster here offer me a place to stay should i decide to go in october.
i just might go this time.. wnfj= witnesses now for jesus [ mostly former jw's and mormons] .
jeff .
Hey Jeff I hope you can make it I sit on the left side second row.
lovelylil as Mouthy said it would be good to book your room now, if you see you can't make it and cancel 45 days or more before the event you will get your deposit back.
I know WNFJ is 268 days away but I thought I'd post my picture now.
How many have/will/plan to attend a WNFJ convention in Penn?
by AK - Jeff ini know a few here have and do so - i have listened to tons of the audio testimonials and have even had one poster here offer me a place to stay should i decide to go in october.
i just might go this time.. wnfj= witnesses now for jesus [ mostly former jw's and mormons] .
jeff .
I have only missed one year since 2000 and I have my room booked for 2007.
It is the highlight of my year also, to see old friends and make new friends every year is a real joy.
I love the testimonies, I know we can listen to them online but to me it is much better hearing them live.
In 2006 a group of former Jehovah's Witnesses came from Japan and told about the Witnesses in their country who are leaving and how their support group is helping them.
All in all it is a really good time.
WNFJ may not be for everyone but I can assure you it is nothing like a Watchtower Convention.
Has anyone concidered going on a talk show about the JW's?
by megsmomma innot to "hash out" some "personal" issues, but to give the general public the "proof" that the society is spewing nonsense to it's members time and time again about the "end is coming" for all who are not jw's.. it would be easy to get the proof with the recording that we all have access to on here.
does anyone want to try to contact the different shows with this?
there are plenty of us who do not care who knows about our views and have nothing to "lose".
As a matter of fact 700 CHQR AM talk radio in Calgary called me and I was on the radio today at 12:30 PM Eastern, no one from the Society would talk to them so they had to settle for me. They wanted information about Jehovah's Witnesses and the blood issue in light of the sextuplets in the news. I only got about a 15-minute warning so I had little time to prepare. There were no call-ins and I am glad, I have never been accused of thinking quickly on my feet.
I was only on for about 20 minutes but all in all I think it went well and I should be able to make a mp3 recording of it when it appears in their archives in about an hour or so. I can post a link here when it is ready if anyone is interested.
Will I be DF'd for joining the Y?
by ex-perfectdaughter ini am planning on joining the local chapter of the ymca....could i be df'd if found out?
Unless something has changed since I left the Org in 95 you definitely would be disfellowshipped for joining the Young Men’s Christian Association.
Sign ot the times?
by cubix ini have been so upset by the lack of respect and value for human life following the events that have taken place over the past few years.
surely, this is bible prophesy being fulfilled at its highest level.
the bible says that the end of the world will come when those in power are proclaiming 'peace and security'.
What a privilege we have to live in such a magnificent time! Mankind’s generosity and compassion is very evident when tragic events such as Nine Eleven, the Tsunami or hurricane Katrina occur. People all over the earth sent money for these victims and many took time from their busy lives to travel to these places and help personally. Thanks to modern marvels such as the Internet the world is aware of these events very quickly and the victims are able to get more aid and get it in a timely manner.
Here in the United States during the Great Depression many men, women and children were homeless, went hungry and were without medical care of any kind. Today we have subsidized housing, food stamps, Medicaid and many other programs put in place by compassionate leaders. We have food pantries, homeless shelters, free medical clinics and other assistance offered by compassionate Christian and secular groups.
I think man is becoming more and more caring about his fellow man. There are of course exceptions and there always will be, and if we choose to focus on the exceptions I guess this world could seem bleak.
It is said that many felt the invention of the bow and arrow would mean the end of the world because it was such a leap in warfare technology.
We choose to see what we want to see.
Try looking at the good for a while, you may change your point of view.
Two new grandchildren
by TowerWatch inmy son and his wife have blessed grandpa with grandchild number 12 and 13, twins a boy and a girl!.
Which one is Baby A and which is Baby B?
Gosh! I'm not sure! I guess grandpa better shapeup!