Exemplary means being related to an elder, putting forth a token effort, and not a total screwup. Minor screwups are OK.
JoinedPosts by aintenoughwiskey
Since Elders And Mini Servants Have To Be Exemplary How Does Anyone Ever Qualify?
by minimus init seems to me that you must be almost perfect to be a " servant" in the organization today.
no college, no spiritually weak in the family, no disfellowshipped living at home, no tight pants, etc......who can live up to their lofty ideals?.
wow, shaking my head
by Hortensia inmy neighbor told me she had been talking about me recently.
"i was saying to carrie in the office i just don't see how anyone can deny the existence of a higher power.
she needed some q-tips, and found a box of them on the free table by the office.
You all should know by now that god is too busy protecting chickens, finding q-tips, and parking spots for the special people, to wory about the great unwashed masses of humankind!
The Emperor with No Clothes On Decries Tight Pants.
by steve2 infor a religious group that has become more and more reader's digest vapid across recent decades, whose ability to defend its doctrines and policies depends on punishing independent thinking and whose meetings are sleep inducing snooze-fests, a talk about sexy clothes is about as desperately arousing as it can get without unzipping one's pants.. but among those who know the religious organization behind tony morris's attention-grabbing address to the faithful, this is anything but surprising.
when you've harped on for long, unforgiving decades about the nearness of the end, whilst simultaneously shoring up treasures on earth - some ear-marked for completion in 2017 - expect even your more loyal followers to shuffle their tired, bedraggled feet and barely stifle forceful yawns.
hell, they may even contemplate tighter fitting clothes because all else is miserably bland - except for the razzle-dazzle of an alluring, colorful world intent on arousing you out of your sad slumber.. so these self-appointed emperors or governing body member focus on anything that threatens a straying spirit.
Colored Socks! Anthony Morris mus be sitting back in his apartment with tented fingers, dreaming up new ways to suck the life out of JW's.
JWs, Rules, Laws and the Zone Meeting
by TheListener inmy takeaway from the zone visit and the reaction of some dubs i know and some i've read on here is this:.
dubs don't care what their actual religious beliefs are or how they change but they do seem to care a lot about having any specific counsel discussed from the platform.. .
i guess this makes them a lot like everyone else, and maybe now we know what the wts achilles heel may be.. .
True, they don't care about doctrine, and most have only a surface knowledge of it anyway. It's all man made rules and "listen obey and be blessed". If TOMO anounced that sniffing bicycle seats was the new measure of spiriturality, I know people who would do it. They have been crying wolf for over 100 years and people are tuning out. It's sad to see all the wasted potential. I've seen my share of Elders with the 1000 yard stare from cramming doubts down into the pit of there stomach.
Anthony Morris - AP's in August, 900%, increase, yet decrease in BS's
by berrygerry inthe only video that i've found of tomo is 39:00 minutes long - the ending is missing.. various posts mentioned highlights of the tremendous witness in august, with a 900% increase in ap's, as well as some other magnificent accomplishment that i cannot locate.. then i painfully listened to the video to verify, and at about 38:00, tomo bemoans the downward trend in bible studies.. the best august of all-time, yet downward trend.. looks like the toilet bowl is swirling.. .
Strait up spin with a little reality poking through. I think the WT has or will shortly peak. Anyone directed to JW.org with the least bit of interest will google "Jehovah's Witnesses" then the "jig is up".
Is the WTS effectively 'pimping out' sisters?
by Simon ini can't remember the topic with the discussion about the talk where they suggested that sisters should only consider ministerial servants as potential marriage partners but think about the implications more.. are they trying to use the potential affections of sisters to enourage brothers to do more and work harder?.
isn't this a form of 'pimping out' the sisters by limiting their attention to the people contributing to them?.
it seems to cross a line to me but i guess it's not vastly different to "only marry another jw".. what do you think?.
What is this "New Light" going to do to sister homely, or brother sleep in on Sat. For every horney MS wannabe their are two just as horney slackers. I predict alot of double living large, or crying and wanking!
So if "parents are to blame for children leaving the truth", then STEP DOWN GB!
by stuckinarut2 inif to mo's comments in the talk re "parents are to blame for children not being in the truth etc", (and yes, as many have already very nicely pointed out that this must therefore imply that "jehovah is to blame for satan and the angels rebelling"), doesn't this mean then that members of the gb need to step down?.
haven't some of the gb got family that are not "in the truth"?.
hypocrites yet again!.
I also heard the condamnation spewing from AM III's pie-hole! GC is WRONG! It was not a simple experience, but as you and I both know a not very subtle way to condamn and put down any male not "serving". I ran that treadmill for over thiry years, "reaching out" and jumping through the hoops only to see eldurrs sons, eldurrs studies, etc. fast tracked to MS and eldurr. I finally told them "take this job and shove it!"
Amen to that! If it wasn't for that crap I would still be JW. You sometimes hear them say "we are all brothers" implying we are all on the same footing. Complete bullsh1t! See how equal you are when you criticize an elders family or call into question a decision. Joe unwashed publisher is a passive revenue stream to be ignored. Even the CO treats you like you have Ebola. They have more ranks and classes than an army.
Anthony Morris The Third
by Yondaime inwhen i am3 was going to speak i was ecstatic to hear this lunatic embarass himself.
after the propaganda indoctrination session, a relative asked me what my spiritual goals were, i told em i want to become a servant before i turn 23 so i could get laid.
At an elders meeting somewhere:
Elder A: You know brother kiss ass is doing well, 30 hours per month, his bible studies take up the back two rows! He is annointed, and the GB calls him regularly for clarification on doctrinal points. He donated 5k the other week, I think he could be an asset to the congragation as a servant!
Elder B: That's all true, but brothers, you recall ToMo3's talk about the socks, argyle is a no no!
Elders are going to the CO on me
by cognac ini celebrated halloween and my birthday and the elders have been told.
husband told the elders i've called the religion a cult.
they said i'm "heading down a road to be an apostate.
Have them put the meeting request in writing. Have your lawyer reply. If an elder calls or speaks to you in person, start asking about his finances, when he asks why you want to know, tell him you don't want to wast your time sueing a poor person. They will drop this like a dog turd!
Does having priveleges in the congregation mean you will have a successful marriage?
by hoser inafter reading about tight pant tony's rant about sisters only marrying ministerial servants lest their marriage will be a failure what anecdotal evidence do you have to support this.
the divorces that i am familiar with in the congregation show me that having priveledges in the congregation do not improve the odds of a better marriage.
i would say about 60% of the divorces had at least one spouse who was a pioneer, elder or ministerial servant.