Dearest Black Man... may you have peace!
You said:
"He states that there are more parties involved. The sisters teach the angels submissive respect for the organization by wearing a headcovering."
I have never heard such... well, as you called it... 'utter BS' (ya'll know what I mean; I don't have to say it...).
The purpose of a 'head covering' is a sign TO THE ANGELS... who are a bit 'higher' than 'earthling man'... that when prophesying, such woman is, in fact, raised HIGHER than men... AND angels. For prophesying is a DIRECT speech from God, through Christ, by means of holy spirit. Thus, when an angel sees a woman in a 'headdress' for the purpose of prophesying... they, too, are 'in subjection' to such one, as are the men to whom she is prophesying... and so must take note. (Why angels, too? Because they, too, are 'desiring to peer into' the 'sacred' things of God. Like 'earthling' man, they don't just have automatic understanding, either.)
SOME men, however, particularly those who consider themselves religious 'leaders' and thus makers and enforcers of 'law'... have taken this sign of AUTHORITY granted to a woman by God... and turned into a means to 'honor' them! To wit: 'Sisters HAVE to cover their heads to show respect for the BROTHER(S) present.' What haughtiness! What 'raising of oneself up'!
My Father pours out His spirit on all sorts of flesh... male AND female. However, because HISTORICALLY among Israel, women were not listened to or taken seriously, they have a means to put a 'sign' upon their heads to show when they have been granted speech and are speaking by the authority of God, through Christ.
Does a woman ALWAYS have to cover her head? No, she does not, for having her head 'shaved' is no longer a 'disgraceful' thing in our times. In addition, there are at least two (2) incidents when such covering is not required:
1. When all are willing to listen... in FAITH... and therefore do not NEED such 'sign'...
2. And when the spirit forbids it, so as to bring a judgment upon the head of the one not listening anyway. Such one would no more listen if a headcovering was produced and worn, than if one were not.
When Paul, et al., saw a woman cover her head in preparation for prophesying, I PROMISE you... they 'took note'. They understood who was REALLY speaking, and did not 'test' the spirit, but listened and accepted the 'source', rather than scrutinizing the messenger.
In the same light, women who claim the gift of prophesying must take that gift quite seriously. It is NOT to be 'played' with or misused. If such one has NOT been told to speak but does so anyway... out of her OWN 'initiative'... she bears a 'greater judgment'. Can she make a mistake? Yes, of course she can. For as a 'chosen' one, she, too, can be 'misled'. For not every inspired expression originates with God. Satan, afterall, 'keeps transforming himself into an angel of light.'
But the 'basis' of her 'judgment'... will be her INTENT. If her intent WAS to mislead, then she will held accountable for any and all that she 'stumble'. If her intent, however, was to be obedient to the inspired expression, but she failed to TEST that expression, she will be 'beaten'... with a 'few strokes'. Such 'beating' is not physically literally, but comes in the form of spiritual 'discipline' and correction. Which, on its own, is 'grievous'.
Hebrews 12:4-13
And after she has received such 'discipline' (if indeed, she willingly receives it), she then must pick up her 'torture stake' and continue to follow the Lamb. 'Discipline' is not judgment; it is a refining, a 'skimming off' of dross or 'error'. The same applies to the intent and motive of men who prophesy as well.
In truth, when a MAN sees a woman with her head covered for the purposes of prophesying and/or praying... it is HE... and the angels... that are in subjection and HE and them... that had better start listening.
I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you just as I have heard it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son of the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES.
I bid you peace, Black Man... and thank you on behalf of my 'sisters' from whom you personally sought no honor for yourself. You truly 'lightened' their 'load'.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,