May you have peace!
May I attempt an explanation at what the Revelations SAYS? Thank you:
"... a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of ... every tribe... of the sons of Israel."
I ask you, what is so 'mysterious' about that? My Father made a promise to Abraham regarding his (Abraham's) 'seed'. The 'sealing' of the 144,000 is in fulfillment of that promise. Israel rebelled, rejected God, rejected His Son, their 'saviour'... but so that His word that when forth from His mouth would not return without results, God... 'sealed' 144,000 of Abraham's seed, out of each tribe, excluding Dan (Joseph received a 'double share').
Where the WT is WRONG, however, is they misinterpret this number to be made up of both Israelites (Jews)... AND the nations. They are in error. First, the 144,000 are Israelites, with only TWO tribes being "Jews"... Judah... and Benjamin... which tribes actually did make up the Jews. The other TEN tribes, however, make up the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel... the Samaritans. Jews (Judah and Benjamin), were the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah, that occupied Judea, with its capital city of Jerusalem. However, the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel occupied the territory of SAMARIA (thus, they are 'Samaritans'), with its capital city of Bethel (which was a center of false worship due to Jeroboam's installation of non-Levitical priests into service at the temple there because he didn't want to travel all the way to Jerusalem. Some of those priests left Bethel... and went and served in the temple at Jerusalem).
But the 'sacred secret' that the WT has completely overlooked is that the NATIONS would rule WITH Israel... as kings and priests. That is why AFTER seeing those sealed from among the sons of Israel, John ALSO saw... 'a great crowd'... which NO man was able to number. Where did John see this 'crowd'? "Standing before the throne of God."
Now, the WT erroneously teaches that such 'standing' is not actually BEFORE the throne, but 'in sight of'. That is a lie, for at least two reasons:
1. God's throne is in heaven, and these were standing before that throne; thus, they, too, were in heaven; and (most importantly)
2. It is what such ones were DOING that let's us know who they are: RENDERING SACRED SERVICE IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD.
I ask you, who can RIGHTLY render 'sacred service' in God's temple... except priests?
Is there 'scriptural' basis for this understanding? Yes. Revelation 5:9, 10, says:
"... with your blood you bought persons for God
out of EVERY tribe and tongue and people and nation...
and you made THEM to be... a kingdom... and PRIESTS
to our God... and they will rule AS KINGS... over
the earth."
Notice such ones did not come 'out of' ONLY 'the sons of Israel'... but EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people.
The WT has perpetuated the LIE that the 144,000 represent only a small flock of 'sheep' that will go to heaven. In TRUTH, while the Israelites in particular, and Jews in general DID represent a small flock, my Lord said that he also had OTHER sheep that he would call... and these would become ONE flock... with one shepherd.
By convincing its followers that only 144,000 are included in the co-rulership with Christ, the WT has successfully 'shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men', which is what they were set up by Satan to do. They have convinced more than 15,000,000 people (counting those dead in the flesh and those who attend their 'Memorial)... NOT to 'eat and drink' the flesh of Christ... which is how one comes into UNION with God and Christ ('communion' - and no, I am not Catholic). They have in essenced completely DENIED the 'bread of life' to many of mankind by convincing them that they are unworthy to eat and drink, in DIRECT OPPOSITION of my Lord's words at John 6:48-56.
The 144,000 are literal Israelites, fleshly 'seed' of Abraham. the 'great crowd' are those who REPLACE Israel, who was first invited to become my Father's chosen 'nation', but lost such by means of their hard-heartedness.
The 12 Apostles then, were witnesses of Christ... 'in all Judea and Samaria'. They were sent to the 'lost sheep of Israel'. Paul, however... was an apostle... 'to the nations'. And it was he that revealed the 'sacred secret' revealed to HIM... that a people who was NOT His, would be called His... by my Father. Such people... are the nations, tribes and tongues... that make up the 'great crowd'.
I bid you peace,
A slave of Christ,