Thanks, Sweetie!
Posts by AGuest
by JUSTAMOM injust pondering over a few things i have been reading.. 1.annual corporate meeting oct 6, 2001. with all the weird changes in the last light alert!.
2. since it was the 337 voting members who had the biggest say so as to the changes last year in removing the gb...... (and they are non jws)....what else will they or have they done?.
the only reason they don't send the gb home, and it's not because they care about their elderly, is the fact without them as puppets up there, most jws might wake up and smell the kool-aid!.
What is the societies motivation?
by trendspeak ini hear and read and form my thoughts about the insanity that was my life and those of others who experienced being a jw.
i am still stumped.
as much as i disagree with jw, have strong opinions about it, and feel it is very unhealthy, what is "their" motivation?
I agree, JayHawk1 (may you have peace...)
Power. That's what Matthew 23 reveals. It just goes into the details of such 'power'.
A slave of Christ,
Why? I have to ask...
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
why is it that when someone knocked on your door and said, "hey, we have the 'truth', and some of us are 'anointed'" and yet, could not prove that truth... nor even explain that anointing... you believed?.
yet, when someone who makes that claim has absolutely no problem explaining it to you and telling you of it... blow by blow... you do not believe?.
May you all have peace!
May I ask...
Why is it that when someone knocked on your door and said, "Hey, we have the 'truth', and some of us are 'anointed'" and yet, could not PROVE that truth... nor even EXPLAIN that anointing... you believed?
Yet, when someone who makes that claim has absolutely NO problem explaining it to you and telling you of it... blow by blow... you do NOT believe?
Why is it that when they came in their own name, one they gave THEMSELVES and NOT one given them 'by divine providence' and called THEMSELVES the 'visible representation of the Lord on earth'... and yet, do not even know that the Bible is NOT the Word of God, but that such LORD is... you believed?
Yet, when someone comes to you in the name of JAH... and of His Son, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who did not reveal their name to you until forced to do so, but has hidden NOTHING of the things given to such one from you, but shared ALL things with you... one such thing BEING that the Son of God IS the Truth and IS God's Word... you do NOT believe?
John 14:6
John 1:14
Revelation 19:13Why is it that when they CONFESSED to you that they are not inspired, that their writings are not inspired, that they simply examine the 'scriptures' and DEDUECE therefrom what is 'truth' and what is 'light'... but such 'truth' and 'light' CHANGES as they will it... you believed?
But when someone confesses to you that he or she knows NOTHING of their own initiative, but only what they RECEIVE from God, that the 'scriptures and verses' are NOT the 'truth' and are NOT the 'Word of God'... that 'truth' does not 'change'... but is everlasting... and such Truth and Word is ALIVE... and speaks to ALL 'wish' to 'hear'... you do not believe?
Why is it before you knew that they were a farce, an imposterish institution that teaches hate and division, that shows no mercy accept to those who are 'part of them', that devours widows houses, and compels you to lead people to THEM... you believed?
But after you cried out to God to SHOW you the Truth... and someone was 'sent' BY that One to lead you NOT to him or herself or to some other 'organization' but TO that Truth... who asked you for NOTHING... not your time, not your money, not your glory, not your dedication... nothing other than perhaps a little faith... you do NOT believe?
Why is it that you do NOT think crazy... or mad... or schizo... a group of people who have for decades preached a false message, gave false dates and times and seasons, shut up the kingdom of the heavens before you, put you BACK under the Law Covenant, told you that YOU have a 'hope' that no one in the Bible had and in fact a 'hope' that is not even IN the Bible...?
But DO think crazy... mad... schizo... one who HAS endeavored to speak to you ONLY truth... in response to the askings of YOUR heart to 'know Truth'... has given you NO 'date or hour' and in fact says that such is NOT known because even the Son, who speaks to such one does not know it, has invited you INTO the kingdom, rather than shutting it up before you, and endeavored with ALL love to UNBIND you from that Law... and RELEASE you from your sins UNDER that Law, rather than judge and condemn you pursuant to it, and has proclaimed to you, just as those before such one proclaimed... that there is only ONE HOPE?
Why is it that you are angry and mad at God and lack faith in Him and His Son... when it was some men you were told NOT to put your trust in who lied to you, misled you, falsely prophesied to you, broke up your family, taught you to hate, taught your family to hate you, judge you and condemn you, because THEY hate, judge and condemn you?
And why is it... that when some unassuming person that you don't even know, has wished you nothing BUT love and peace... has offered to SHARE the 'good news' of the kingdom with you... as it has been and is being shares with HER... no matter WHAT you are, WHO you are, WHERE you are, WHAT your background, your experience, your beliefs or disbeliefs... your actions... your inactions... and no matter what venom, malice and hatred you return... you are still mad at God?
Truly, can He 'win' with you? Could He ever, really? He did not send you into 'religion'. He did not bind you under law. He did not tell you they were the 'truth'. THEY did it. THEY came to you. THEY bound you under law. THEY told you they were the 'truth'. And YOU believed them... and went... either willingly... or by the compulsion of those entrusted with your care, perhaps your parents.
Blame God, if you will... and blame Christ. And ridicule any who preach them to you, including me. So be it. But you will NOT be able to say you weren't invited. You will NOT be able to say, "Well, why didn't someone TELL me." You were invited; and you have been told. Now, whether you 'hear'... or you 'refrain'... is again, entirely up to you.
I am not asking any to listen to me. I am telling you simply what my Lord has directed me to tell you: LISTEN TO HIM.
Matthew 17:3
Hebrews 12:25
John 10:27And if you have faith but the size of a mustard seed, you WILL hear him. And if you don't but indeed 'wish' to hear... ASK FOR SUCH FAITH. It is a 'gift' of the spirit... and my Father gives to all those asking Him.
Luke 11:13
I bid you peace.
A TRUE servant God, by means of being a slave of Christ,
What is the societies motivation?
by trendspeak ini hear and read and form my thoughts about the insanity that was my life and those of others who experienced being a jw.
i am still stumped.
as much as i disagree with jw, have strong opinions about it, and feel it is very unhealthy, what is "their" motivation?
Dearest Trend... may you have peace!
What is their 'motivation'? The answer can be found at Matthew 23:1-39. Pay special attention, please, to verses 13 through 15. You will have to use a NWT Reference Bible, however, because they took the most important verse, 14, out and put it in the footnote. When you read it, you will know why.
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
by JUSTAMOM injust pondering over a few things i have been reading.. 1.annual corporate meeting oct 6, 2001. with all the weird changes in the last light alert!.
2. since it was the 337 voting members who had the biggest say so as to the changes last year in removing the gb...... (and they are non jws)....what else will they or have they done?.
the only reason they don't send the gb home, and it's not because they care about their elderly, is the fact without them as puppets up there, most jws might wake up and smell the kool-aid!.
Hi, Mom... love to you... and peace!
It appears that some here do not know the true makeup of the shareholders of the WTBTS. They do not know that the corporation had an IPO way back when and shares went for $10 a pop to whomever, and that it wasn't until later that such practice was changed, but that by then many NON-JWs held shares and such shares have been passed on in inheritances, etc. Of more worthy note, of those that ARE JWs... they are no majorily of the 'anointed'.
But... folks don't want to believe truth, Kimmie. Rather, they CAN'T. It would be too much for them to bear, to actually WAKE UP and realize that they have been misled from the 'get go'... bamboozeled into giving their lives, their children... and most noteworthy... their 'gold'... to build a 'golden calf' that they have 'called Jehovah'.
It's would just be too much for them to bear to come into the LIGHT... and 'see'. But, well, you keep on 'letting you light, shine', my dearest sister in Christ. Perhaps one days, folks will concede to have their eyes 'opened', painful as that bright light might be.
Say, why don't post the PAGE NUMBER from the PROCLAIMER'S BOOK that tells them the 'truth' - LOL!
I love you and send my peace to you and your family... to time indefinite.
Your servant, sister and fellow slave of Christ,
Wayfinder emailed me this....
by Budda Belly inthis is the e-mail i received after leaving my opinions.
on his website....... .
i am sorry that you have the opinions you do of your experiences.
Dearest Budda... may you have peace!
Two things to keep in mind to help you 'deal' with your friend's position, if I may:
1. Slaves... NEED to be enslaved. It is 'freemen' who wish to BE free...
2. Babes... NEED to be 'under men in charge'.
Your friend is a 'slave' and a 'babe', Budda. And he is, as the saying goes, "loving it". Too bad, too bad.
You can ALWAYS do unto him and you would have him do unto you... which is wish him peace... and pray for his 'release', if he indeed 'wishes' it.
Again, I bid you peace,
A slave of Christ,
"Become a JW and you can't...." WORT...
by LDH ini posted this on the thread regarding suicide, but in case some hadn't read that thread, i think it is deserving of another go around.
whoever shaun is, i boosted it from her website, which i am linking to here.
of all the xjw sites i have ever seen, this was my favorite.
Hi, Lisa... may I add a couple of 'important' things, too? Thank you.
Become a JW... you can't:
Tell the truth to whomever you wish to tell it;
Speak the truth to those who consider themselves 'superior' to you;
Love anyone you wish, even those considered to be your 'enemies';
Get into the kingdom of the heavens, unless you're fairly old and gray;
Eat and drink to augment your being 'in union' with Christ, unless you're of a numbered group which they approve of;
Preach the good news of the kingdom, unless the WTBTS has 'approved' you first;
Get baptized into the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, period, because you MUST instead get baptized into 'the organization';
Serve God in spirit and Truth;
Walk by spirit, because with them you HAVE to walk by flesh;
Be considered 'spiritual' based on the 'man' you are on the INSIDE and not the 'man' you are on the outside;yada, yada, yada, yada.
In truth, IF you become a JW... or indeed 'yoke' yourself to ANY 'religion'... you will NOT be free, but will be 'bound under law' again... whatever their particular 'laws' happen to be. If, therefore you wish to truly BE free, then you must know and believe that it is the TRUTH, the SON OF GOD, who truly 'sets you free'.
John 8:32, 36
John 14:6Peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,
Are You 'Unevenly' Yoked?
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
in the minds of many bible scholars (the wtbts 'scholars' as well), the term 'belial' means 'without benefit' or 'good for nothing'.
that is incorrect, however.
Well, well... an 'edumacated' demon. Looks like ya'll spent one day too many out'n da 'field', Bubba. Too bad, too bad, dark one. Shoulda most pro'ly brought yo' dark sef on up ta da Big House, 'cause that's whar ya most pro'ly would'a found what you's wuz lookin' fer.
Ah, but ya's couldn't get IN ta da Big house, could ya's? Yes, I know... soirled garment. Ah, well, too bad, too bad. Thus, I say to YOU, dark demon, by the spirit of my Lord that is in me:
"RETURN to the 'field' swine... where you belong... amongst the other 'unclean' ones. Go, roll in the muck and mire. Then cast yourself off the cliff, for your brothers await you... in the darkest of pits."
You scare me not, O Dark One, for you have no 'hold' on me. I find you utterly silly... and rank. You 'huff' and 'puff', but you'll find no house built on sand here. Nothing but a rock-mass... that you can't 'move'. So, take your silly self and the stupid human that you have possessed... and move on. There's nothing for you here. I would, in fact, cast you out... but he 'loves' it. So, I leave him to you... and your final fate... to my Father.
SJ, a slave of Christ, who ain't ascared 'o no demon what only gots a 3rd grade edumacation anyways.
Have You Had A Revelation ???
by Big Jim inrevelation.
religion is based on revelation.
god talks to a person and reveals something to him and it is called a revelation.
Dearest Undecided... may you have peace!
The word from my Lord to you, by means of holy spirit, is:
You have received no answers... because you expect no answers. You expect no answers... because you have not asked for answers. You have asked, and yet, you ask for a wrong purpose... so that you might have your PHYSICAL senses 'pleasured'.
My Lord that if you would only exercise faith in that he WAS raised up from the dead, that he IS alive, and that he DOES answer all those who call upon him and ask... OUT OF SUCH FAITH... then, indeed, you would 'hear' him when he calls out to you.
I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you just as I have heard it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
Have You Had A Revelation ???
by Big Jim inrevelation.
religion is based on revelation.
god talks to a person and reveals something to him and it is called a revelation.
Dearest BJ... may you have peace!
May I 'contribute' here? Thank you.
I have personally received several 'revelations', and it was these that in fact led me AWAY from 'religion', by exposing the falsity, hypocrisy and true purpose of 'religion' to me. I don't think that you will even find the word 'religion' among any of the holy writings, scripture or epistle, christian or otherwise. Because 'religion'... is a man-made insitutional way of worshipping God.
But 'religion' doesn't work. Why? Because it is based NOT on the 'revelation' itself, but on reverence for the one supposedly RECEIVING such revelation. In truth, not all inspired expressions originate with God; some... are 'inspired expressions of demons'. And there are some very obvious ways to tell, initially:
1. If the 'inspired expression' seeks money, for the one receiving it in any way, size, shape or form, it is not an expression inspired by God. How do we know? Because God does not need money, nor does He need to be ASKED for money to provide for His 'own'. He does that 'naturally', just as any good father would 'naturally' provide for his own.
2. If the 'inspired expression' seeks ANY type of harm or physical condemnation of another, even a curse, it is not an expression inspired of God. How do we know? Because while such expressions WERE granted to the prophets before us... God, TODAY... speaks to us 'by means of a Son'. And that Son condemned NO ONE, other than to rightly speak of the judgment the 'false christs' brought upon THEMSELVES. Instead, he commanded us to 'love one another'... AND to love our 'enemies'.
3. If the 'inspired expression' seeks to foretell dates and times and seasons, it is not an expression inspired by God. How do we know? Because, again, God speaks to us 'by means of a Son'. And if the SON doesn't know the date and hour... how then can he relate it to us?
4. If the 'inspired expression' directs the receiver to glorify ANYONE other than the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it is not an expression inspired by God. How do we know? Because the Holy Spirit glorifies the Father and the Son... and the Son... glorifies the Father. And BOTH... tell us to glorify the Father... and the Son. There is no one else we are to 'give glory' to. No one... not ourselves... or our brothers. We can, indeed, give to him who calls for honor, honor... and him that calls for tribute, tribute... but glory... belongs to the Father and the One to whom HE gave it, the Son... and the one whom the Son glorifies... the Father.
In truth, 'inspired expressions' from God do one thing: 'build up'. They are a means to reveal to the Household of God various 'sacred secrets' that build the faith of that Household in the promises made by God Himself... and by God, through His Son. They make 'the prophetic word... MORE sure'... not less. They don't bring about confusion... but clarify.
And a TRUE prophet of God, one who has been granted the 'gift' of prophesying by means of holy spirit, will take that 'gift' quite seriously. Although there will be ridiculers and cynics, such one knows the true PURPOSE of such 'gift'... not to bring attention to oneself... but to give the glory to God when revealing the 'sacred secrets' of God. Such one knows that they are a SERVANT in the Household, although a 'son'... and that there are no 'rewards' in this life: no riches, no big houses, no fame, no fortune. Such things are reserved for the NEXT life, for those who would not seek such things in this life, but rather 'seek first the kingdom'.
It is quite a difficult thing, however, for many to put faith in, and that is quite understandable. For the main PURPOSE of 'religion' IS to confuse... and lead my Father's sheep AWAY from Him and away from the Tree of Life, my Lord, the One 'planted' by 'rivers of water'... holy spirit... rather than lead such ones TO him.
The Adversary of my brothers and I is quite 'crafty'. He is not, however, all-intelligent, for he uses the same tactics over and over and over again: set false lights that APPEAR to be true lights... and mislead the 'sons of light' by means of such 'darkness'.
Religion, dear BJ... IS a 'snare and a racket'. The TRUE sons of God do not, and CANNOT 'belong' to such 'women'. They must remain 'virgins', ones cleansed and brought back to a virgin state... ready to follow the LAMB... and not any of 'earthling' man in whom they were warned NOT to put their trust. My Father does not DWELL in handmade temples, but dwells within the 'temple' that is my brothers and I, the Body of Christ. We ARE the temple, the 'church'... the congregation of the Firstborn, made up of LIVING 'stones'.
It is in us that the spirit of my Father dwells, through Christ, and it is IN us... that true worship is manifest. What we are on the INSIDE... not what we are on the outside... and where we worship. That is why my Lord said, 'where two or more are gathered in my name, THERE I am also.' So, you can get an entire building of folks together, an District Assembly even. But if such 'gathering' is not in the name of my Lord, the son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... he, then, is not there.
So, it doesn't matter what special 'gift' the receiver of a revelation claims; he or she may have in fact received such revelation. The POINT... is the PURPOSE of such revelation. And if its purpose is to take money from those who can't afford it, to give to those who don't deserve it... to build institutions and buildings and printing presses and conglomerates and... what have you... such revelation was not from God.
IF, however, such revelation resulted in others coming closer to the TRUE Light, coming to KNOW him, coming to be known BY him and BY my Father, if it results in some widow, orphan or otherwise lacking person being helped with food, clothing, shelter, etc.... IF it results in the revelation of a sacred secret, a glimpse into the heavenly places... and IF by any and all of these it results in the BUILDING UP of the 'temple' of God, which is the Body of Christ... then it is a inspired expression that 'originated' with God... and it can be TESTED... and proved.
I bid you peace.
A TRUE servant to Israel, the Household of the Most Holy One, JAH OF ARMIES, and a slave of His Son and Christ, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH,