I agree that that is the experience of most JWs. I was never popular or gung-ho, but I did make two very close friends.One was the guy studying with me, even though I was mostly raised in the troof. I felt it in my heart and mind that if either one of them were ever DFd, I would still be their friend. My love was/is not conditional.
I moved away and Fred went to Venezuaela. Our other friend stayed in the area but moved to a different hall to be a MS. I became innactive and Fred got DFd. Our other friend eventually became innactive and then started looking at JW beliefs in depth. Skipping many details, when I first saw Fred again the first thing out of his mouth was "I'm DFd". I told him point blank that I didn't care and that I still cared for him. He is slowly getting past our JW past.
One of the weird aspects of our relationship is that Fred doesn't know yet that I am gay. Our other friends know, and thought it best not to tell him as it might imbalance him and send him running back to the org. We are a pretty tight group, so that does sadden me a little.
Last August our other friend was getting married, so Fred took us to a strip club for the bachelor party. The straight boys that knew thought is was very funny that Fred kept buying me lap dances. I feel somewhat guilty, as if I owe him $60 or something.
And that's my little tale of JW friends, FWIW.