Dakota, you got me to thinking about the flip-flop on the character issue, on both sides.
When Clinton was in office, conservatives kept hounding on the charater issue, while liberals dismissed it. Now, any character issues with Dubya are dismissed by conservatives, while liberals keep bringing it up.
Honestly, no matter who is in office is going to have their character questioned. Yes, Clinton did have "an inappropriate relationship" with Monica Lewinsky. Yes, Dubya is one of the least articulate presidents we've ever had. Yes, Clinton went overseas and burned the American flag. Yes, Dubya drank and snorted almost everything in West Texas. Yes, Clinton did everything he could to avoid the draft (except tell them he was a dub ). And yes, Dubya did a great job keeping the Viet-cong out of Dallas during the Vietnam War.
You said you have no problem with anyone disagreeing with a politician, but to contantly bring up the past on one politician after giving the other "a pass" is wrong. I agree with you, but to be honest I can't see that Clinton got any more of a pass then Dubya. He's been out of office for three years and his past is still the topic of heated debates. And don't forget, Clinton was the first president since Andrew Johnson, in 1868, to face impeachment. No free passes as far as I can tell. To me the biggest issue is have they grown and learned from their mistakes? That is a true measure of a leader.
Thanks for the post, Dakota. I appreciate your making me "think" this moring.