Smart Answer, Lad!
if everybody goes to heaven, what"s the point of the resurrection?
i tell you first hand with much meekfulness, that this life is not the life that mankind is suppose to be living in, and the only reason why we have been living in this life so long is because "the messiah" coming will be long<very long>, it was not jehovah's plan for us to die< adam & eve is the cause> satan the devil is the main source> and the paradise is not lost, cause if the earthly paradise was lost, then there be no creator, then the sun would not rise over the wicked & righteous... .
only the 144,000 goes to heaven to be a witness over mankind judgement after armageddon, the earth is not a testing ground, jehovah god has given us the earth & the thrones of heaven are jehovah- psalms- 116-115 verse 15-16.... noah & moses was great servants of "yah-weh & they did not enter heaven< billions are dead in there grave- & the resurrection is the truth .
Smart Answer, Lad!
watchtower has stated they wish to reveal no information about the upcoming judicial hearing being conducted against those who are on the dateline program.
they say they are confined to ecclesial privilege and are unable to offer to the public any information other than it is not related to silentlambs but has to do with some other infraction that breaks gods law.
with the statement below we ask watchtower to release to everyone any charges or information about breaking gods law they have against carl and barbara pandelo, barbara anderson, and william h. bowen.
Bill Bowen (aka SilentLambs),
Well Done! Great Work!
You are a true Human Being who cares for others. You are a true Christian, not a JW (which in fact, it is not Christian).
All what you have done for your fellow believer means a lot to others, whether they are JWs, Christians or any other beliefs. What you have done for others who couldn't speak up will definitely be rewarded by God as I am certain that he knows you're a good hearted person as the Bible says that God looks into the heart of people.
I support you in your quest for justice against those who are victimizing the innocents.
I don't know if you like me to say this, but let me say it:
God Bless You.
it's true, she really did have someone call to take a bible study with her.. it had been set up by my parents who had convinced her that it was her duty to look into the religion that their wayward son (moi!
) had rejected.. she studied for 3 or 4 weeks, she eventually became frustrated with the methods that were used, she said that she didn't mind them supplying some answers, but she was blowed if she was going to allow them to supply the questions as well!.
it all ended unhappily, as she was voicing her opinion to the lady "study conductor", her little boy (a horrible spoiled brat) emptied out the contents of hl's handbag onto the floor, revealing a half pack of benson & hedges king size.. the woman was appalled at this, and was stupid enough to tell hl that she would have to give it up if she was going to get into the kingdom.
You must be very thankful to your visitors showing HL at first hand the "dark side" of the borg.
More likely it's the "real side" of the borg.
this is taken from chapter 5 of the book the subtle power of spiritual abuse :.
"the first characteristic of an abusive religious system is what we call power-posturing.
power-posturing simply means that leaders spend a lot of time focused on their own authority and reminding others of it, as well.
I agree. It does fit the WitchTower Babble and Trash Society to a Tee. It also fits every single friggin' religious cult (Moonies, Mormons, WorlWide Church of God, The Way International just to mention a few). Boils down to that hypocritical attitude of Do as I say, Not as I do from the Catholic Church that they adamantly oppose and criticize.
it's true, she really did have someone call to take a bible study with her.. it had been set up by my parents who had convinced her that it was her duty to look into the religion that their wayward son (moi!
) had rejected.. she studied for 3 or 4 weeks, she eventually became frustrated with the methods that were used, she said that she didn't mind them supplying some answers, but she was blowed if she was going to allow them to supply the questions as well!.
it all ended unhappily, as she was voicing her opinion to the lady "study conductor", her little boy (a horrible spoiled brat) emptied out the contents of hl's handbag onto the floor, revealing a half pack of benson & hedges king size.. the woman was appalled at this, and was stupid enough to tell hl that she would have to give it up if she was going to get into the kingdom.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Eman.
The impression that I get from JWs is that at first they show an extremely nice, loving, happy and personable outward appearance. However, all that is just a facade, a mask hiding a real ugly drone personality with all the programming of the WitchTower Babble and Trash Society. They go around arrogantly thinking that they have all the answers and that they are the "know it all" of everything.
It all ended unhappily, as she was voicing her opinion to the lady "study conductor", her little boy (a horrible spoiled brat) emptied out the contents of HL's handbag onto the floor, revealing a half pack of Benson & Hedges King Size.Speaking of Manners. So much for their "Christian" Love. More likely, it's more of their arrogance that they think they are God's chosen people and they can do whatever they want.The woman was appalled at this, and was stupid enough to tell HL that she would have to give it up if she was going to get into the Kingdom. The woman had also just told me that she wasn't going to speak to me - this was in my own house!!!
hello all...well i am very new to this site.
i have recently been contemplating of fiding out more about the jehovah's witness religion.
i have done some research, have talked and am friends with witnesses, and am ready to take it a step further.
Double Edge:
You forgot to include Galatians 1 verses 6 to 10.
If you don't know what the content of that chapter and verses, read them in the bible and see how do that passage straight from the Word of God applies to the WatchTower Society and other Religious Groups.
just watching the news just now and another old man has been killed by burglars.. what would you do if you found an intruder in your house?.
do you feel its right to disable them in some way , if you can?.
would you let them run?.
I am firm believer of "A man's home is His Castle". If a burglar is in my house, I will grab my gun, grab my phone, dial 911 and have the operator listening me telling and pointing the gun at the burglar that I am armed and to "get the F*** out of my home" to make sure that whatever happens, I will not be sued by the bastard and his good for nothing family. Nowadays, because of some stupid law, a burglar or his family can sue you just because he, the burglar, was harmed in your property.
hello all: okay, its time to start coming out of the closet.
my homepage is now up.
you can click on the little blue globe with the red arrow, in the upper left corner, in my profile.
Cool Site!
I'll read your series again and will look forward for new stuff that you will put in your site.
PS.: I bookmarked your site so that I can look it up in the section of Favorites on my browser.
Anyways, Great Work!
guess who just got engaged???
no date has been set yet, but the engagement will be short.
probably sometime this summer.
CONGRATULATIONS to you and Neil!
Best of Wishes and Best of Luck to you two.
with hugs and love,
i've lurked here for some time now, and posted a few times but wasn't going to do this until a couple other sweet members here suggested i do - so here it goes.
to tell my story, i have to go back to the beginning.. when i was 3yrs old, i had a very loving older brother, craig, who was 5yrs old.
while we were out playing on a montreal street one day, a streetcleaner with a hungover driver hooked my brother, dragged him several feet, and ran over him, in front of me.
Yours is a very heartbreaking story. I am glad that you and your kids pulled through. Although you still have nightmares every now and then, I am confident that you will pull through as you are better than the ones who abused you. Remember, if you succeed in life or if you live well, that will Piss Them Off. So, go for it girl, strive for a better life, be more successful than they are'cause you really are.
My heart goes to you and you have my support.
I like to thank you for replying me on email on what I was going thru, and if you need someone to talk to, you got my email.
A big hug to you.