JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Impossible conversation: Jesus and Nicodemus: YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN
by Terry ini am a member on new testament scholar bart ehrman's blog, and the professor is currently outlining a new book he is writing about false memory and the life of jesus.. an interesting post occurred today in which he gives an example of a very famous scripture,.
example of a false memory of jesus teaching i turn to a famous passage in the gospel of john, jesus dialogue with nicodemus (john 3:1-15).
nicodemus is said to be a jewish leader who comes up to jesus and affirms that jesus must come from god because of the great things that he said to have done.
Misremembering? Did jon even claim to be present at that discussion....? Its third hand at best -
JW.org does partial U-turn over Awake! magazine Rama Singh misquote
by Watchtower-Free inposted on april 19, 2015http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/jw-org-does-partial-u-turn-over-awake-magazine-rama-singh-misquote
jw.org has removed their misquote of rama singh from digital versions of awake!
Wow very cool! Very good leg work on your part or whomever alert singh -
The First Book Of The Sparlock Trilogy Is Coming Soon
by DT ini have finished writing the novel.
it is now being edited.
if everything goes according to plan, it should be released sometime this summer.. the book's title is sparlock of the multiverse, book one: the great apocalypse.
Im going to buy and read just for GP :) -
God & JW can't exist without "evil"
by thedepressedsoul ini was thinking the other day that so far jw's and god have always needed or relied on "evil" to get items done or taken care of.
almost every bible prophecy and jw teaching would not exist without "evil".. let's take the prophecy of jesus for example, it would not have been fulfilled without evil.
when you think about it, he was a needed evil in order for prophecy to be fulfilled.
Thor V Loki -
I'm my favorite type of JW - Double Life
by thedepressedsoul inthe borg's tactics on most jw work.
they put fear into their mind, they guilt trip them and basically make them scared to do anything when they are away from the kingdom hall.
it allows them to control every aspect of their life.
I get it. I lived that life for a good while and felt the same....but it took a toll. It only gets harder -
Interesting point about elders appointment by holy spirit (apostacy case)
by joe134cd ini was just listening to a jc for apostasy on jwstruggle.
the issue was raised if elders are appointed by holy spirit, then why is there such an issue with sex abuse.
the answer was given (and i thought it was quite true) well jesus was the son of god and he appointed judas under holy spirit, just to have him turn on him.
Notsurewheretogo nailed it. There is a WORLD of differance between someone who turns out bad, like king saul, and someone who is already doing bad things being selected by holy spirit. Practically speaking judas wasnt bad when selected. The jw's would argue that although it was prophesied someone would betray the christ it wasnt fortold who nor did jesus pick him knowing in advance. Plenty of elders have been appointed while doing evil things secretly. Holy spirit is ineffective at best. -
How to Choose a Wife!
by snugglebunny inback in the day, when my family moved to a new congregation, i fell head over heels with a young sister who was an elder's daughter.
it wasn't long before we were talking about marriage and i was contemplating buying her an engagement ring.
my parents were not happy at all.
Chronically lazy, needy and selfish is standard in my observations. The org teaches people in general to focus on giving to the org and all other things are added. -
How to Choose a Wife!
by snugglebunny inback in the day, when my family moved to a new congregation, i fell head over heels with a young sister who was an elder's daughter.
it wasn't long before we were talking about marriage and i was contemplating buying her an engagement ring.
my parents were not happy at all.
Heard the same story. Theocratic warefare -
How to Choose a Wife!
by snugglebunny inback in the day, when my family moved to a new congregation, i fell head over heels with a young sister who was an elder's daughter.
it wasn't long before we were talking about marriage and i was contemplating buying her an engagement ring.
my parents were not happy at all.
Strange in the real world yes, in dubbie land no. Its standard operating procedure to make sure your prospective "mate" is up to par, cult wise. See tight pants tony remarks regarding sisters not marrying some who isnt at least a MS -
Regional Convention 2015 - Program
by Designer Stubble infriday morning9:20 music9:30 song no.
5 and prayer9:40 chairmans address: imitate jesuswhy and how?10:20 symposium: lessons from jesus word pictures observe the birds and the lilies have salt in yourselves build your house on the rock11:10 song no.
120 and announcements11:20 follow jesus patternkeep on asking, seeking, and knocking!11:45 keynote address: concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom12:15 song no.
Is there seriously a "music video" friday at 1:25? I may just have to show up for that....