JoinedPosts by _Morpheus
Has Gerrit Loesch of the Governing Body been in any more monthly broadcast since he refused to honor a court subpoena?
by Brokeback Watchtower injust wondering?
he denied being in subjection to the the watchtower corporation so are they still using him in their regular monthly broadcast.
But thats where your confusing things legally. Hes not in anyway responsible for whats primted in the wt rags legally the wtb&s society is responsible and its coporate offiers who are not on the gb. Practically all witness know this bullhockey but legally its fact -
Has Gerrit Loesch of the Governing Body been in any more monthly broadcast since he refused to honor a court subpoena?
by Brokeback Watchtower injust wondering?
he denied being in subjection to the the watchtower corporation so are they still using him in their regular monthly broadcast.
He is actually NOT responsible for wt policies. Hes responsible for the religious policies of jehocahs witness. its so manipulative and devious underhanded and crooked..... But average witness dont know or care. Its just not relevant. -
Has Gerrit Loesch of the Governing Body been in any more monthly broadcast since he refused to honor a court subpoena?
by Brokeback Watchtower injust wondering?
he denied being in subjection to the the watchtower corporation so are they still using him in their regular monthly broadcast.
Its an interesting turn of phrase, "not in subjection to the watchtower corporation". If in fact thats what he said then he was being truthful. Recall some years ago the GB SPECIFICALLY seperated themselves from the WT corporation. Thats why the head of the wtb&s is no longer automatically the head of the GB as was the case in the old days. In fact the corporate officers of the wtb&s are not on the GB at all. Functionally every wotness knows the gb is in charge but legally they are disconnected nobodys. Using ceasers laws to their advantage. -
No end to JW logic, Oranges can make you gay
by James Mixon ini was told that today by a jw...no more to say.
As lomg as you dont eat any of the four primary components of oranges: The tree, sun, rain or rind -
Game of Thrones - Shunning
by berrygerry ini waited a week to avoid any spoilers.. last week's episode was harsh, to say the least.. a live burning-at-the-stake of a child to please the gods.. and yet, we have conventions taking place around the world - with bravos to those parents who sacrifice the emotional well-being of their children by shunning them.
clap-clap-clap.. what is worse, killing them outright, or the long, drawn-out emotional sacrifice demanded by the modern-day baal, gb 2.0?.
Spoiler alert!!!!
its really really good ;)
Watchtower now Proudly Promoting the DIVINE Jesus
by FusionTheism inthe revised nwt has a footnote on john 1:1 showing that "a god" means "divine.".
also, their other publications are now much more boldly referring to jesus as divine:.
jesus--the way, the life, the truth (2015), page 306-307:.
This is not the dumbest thing you have ever suggested. Im can even see the reasonable case you are making for it..... Not sure i can totally agree but you make a good case. There may be hope for you FT -
Who's will is it?
by freemindfade inin our super cappy fallacious public talk today.
i kept hearing "we do jehovahs will" "do jehovahs will" "not our will...jehovahs" there was a lot of crap in the talk to be irritated by.
but this got me thinking.... if you are required under penalty of death!
I find it interesting that jw's compare the time the desert is allowing to pass to a court cass being made for mans rule. If you take the same court case analogy the desert god is guilty of coercion on all mankind, mafia style. In true darth vader fashion he offers "join me or die". Nice job outta you, shepherder diety. -
Game of Thrones - Shunning
by berrygerry ini waited a week to avoid any spoilers.. last week's episode was harsh, to say the least.. a live burning-at-the-stake of a child to please the gods.. and yet, we have conventions taking place around the world - with bravos to those parents who sacrifice the emotional well-being of their children by shunning them.
clap-clap-clap.. what is worse, killing them outright, or the long, drawn-out emotional sacrifice demanded by the modern-day baal, gb 2.0?.
Its interesting i had a similar thought but it came from a different angle. After the episode i was talking with an appointed brother who watches the show as well (yea i know). I expressed my hope that stanks would pay for that with his life and how absolutly horrific it was that he did that at the direction of this red woman.... The brother (who has a youmg daughter himself!) sympathized with stanis and called it a hard choice!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was stunned beyond words but as i thought about it..... He would do the exact same thing if his little girl needed a blood transfusion. He would sacrifice her at the order of the org without hesitation. -
Malawi CRAP in April 15 2015 Watchtower
by Marvin Shilmer innear the top of page 15 in the april 15, 2015 watchtower shows a photo of the malawi congress party card made the center of jws being severely persecuted in malawi in the 60s, 70s and 80s.
the lie is furthered in this watchtower article is that the whole issue was over jws refusing to involve themselves in politics.
readers who want to know the whole story of what caused this persecution are invited to consider evidence in the following article presentations: .
Very imteresting read marvin. I appreciate the article from the malwain author as well. In Crisis of Conscience Ray Franz does an excellent job explaining that the us branch would have advised them buying the cards was fine, however the local brothers forbade it initially and the Brooklyn didnt want to overturn it. Awefull story of unessary loss and torture because of blindly following following fools who are following fools. -
My Way of Interpreting the Bible is the ONLY Right Way!
by FusionTheism inwhether you are a christian, jew, undecided, agnostic, or atheist, isn't having the attitude that only ***your*** interpretation of the bible could be correct, or only ***you*** know what the bible means, -- .
isn't this a form of closed-mindedness, arrogance, and a superiority complex?.
in addition, isn't trying to force someone to conform to ***your*** interpretation of the bible the opposite of "freethinking?
I cant believe you started another thread over this but I think the point is that you cant pick and choose what makes you feel warm fuzzy from the bible and ignore the parts that bother you all the while calling yourself a bible believer/christian