When you were at Bethel..what sucked most ?
- Breakfast/daytext/table overseer.
- Monday night WT study
- Tuesdays Bookstudy at one of the Local Cong.
- Wednesday evening fieldservice
- Thursdays parts on the service meeting
- Fridays "family evening" / evening fieldservice
- Saturdays Quick Build Hall construction assistance
- Daily sisters housekeeping/snooping through your possessions
- Car pools
- Allowance day
- Laundry day / missing clothing / badly sewed clothing
- Boring library
- farm duty !!! stalls vs $#IT vs gardening
- Inking the press!
- Digging/carpentry/bricklaying/box packing/loading
- Nasty crotch grabbin roomies
- Not gettin sum..except nasty looks from roomies
- Lousy infermary (basic asprin cures all !!!)
- Longest pompous a$$ prayers going on and on and on....
- Old anointed bro's ..that pee themselves and need help !
- Assembly sound duty OMG!
- Food Service overseeing
- Parking attendant work
- Apostate lookout/Security work (it does exist guys !)
- That wake up bell OMG OMG OMG !!
Pray tell Brothers and Sisters ..what made you at Bethel