Thx all esp for the diet tips etc.
I went to the clinic today and the Doctor basically told me what Danny said in his post.
They've put me on a drug called "METFORMIN" and I have to go see a dietician next week so that they can se what can be done regarding my eating habits. ....the strange thing though is my glucose levels and all the blood tests (full blood count , cholesterol..etc) are so normal that its scary that my insulin level is so abnormally high .
My blood pressure was 125/80 today.
I'll post again if I have some more info.
By the way I did a bit of research and found high levels of insulin can lead to heart attack as well so I intend not speaking or debating any JW stuff with any JW'S....only you guys because when here at JWD I feel a whole lot better.
Anyway I can't go and kick the bucket right yet as I have a lot of APOSTATE work here in SA to do.
Kind Regards