The smart ones are out.
The illiterates are still there.
i just felt like posting an email i received recently which i got a kick out of.
here is the email; my response follows on the next post.return-path: <[email protected]>.
delivered-to:[email protected].
The smart ones are out.
The illiterates are still there.
does anybody know the best way to get jw's off my back.
i live in a small community and i can't just yell at them.
i am getting rather angry and it may come to that however.
My daughter's boyfriend told me the other day that when he was a kid he would steathily climb out on to balcony and drop water balloons. But I think he was doing that to anyone he didn't know. He still seems to abit bratty....
edited by - wildturkey on 20 july 2002 13:59:47.
I think it means they have changed their minds again. In 1990 wasn't allowed to go luncheon after Grandfather's funeral.
No funeral tea and coffee for Dad's funeral in Jan 2001because the step mother didn't want to make arrangements for it. Lot of icy staresbefore memorial talk but warmed up abit after the service.
After my Grandma died ( two weeks after my Dad) sandwiches were served....They even talked to me nicely. But at my Grandmas there were several non witness relatives in attendance so maybe the need to put on a show of pleasantry.
Not that I am awaiting a funeral readily but I wonder what it'll be then.
rome did not create a great empire by having meetings, they did it by killing all those who opposed them.
if you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos... then you probably haven't completely understood the seriousness of the situation.
doing a job right the first time gets the job done.
Simon.....simply inspirational.....
Xander great followup...You guys should team up.
Are ya just testin' our powers of self-control? I think everyone in here has pressed thatbutton....How come nothing has happened?
Oooppps you need to change the date of when detination occurrs? Maybe some new light on the matter.
every congregation is visited twice a year by the circuit overseer and reamed a new asshole for not placing enough magazines.. every year all jehovah's witnesses in good standing attend the district convention, where they hear at least one talk from the circuit overseer's boss, the much heralded district overseer.. if you are a fortunate (in their eyes) jehovah's witness (or a bethelite), you are privy to the opportunity to hear a "special" talk at a convention from a member of the governing body.. what about the upper management in between the ceo's and the middle management?.
how come one never hears of a talk given by a zone overseer or a branch overseer?.
i was always curious about that, but never bothered to learn enough about jw hierarchy that late in my term with the cult to find out.. any one have an answer?
REBORN this was a good place to put the subject of the the hierarchy.
Saint Satan I remember Ken Little....a little guy but I have to admit he was a powerful speaker for the size of him. Don Mills remember that name too don't recall any of his talks.
Mackin you said things have changed slightly at the top since you came out. They don't have to make so many changes "in the throne room" because the little folk are kept in the dark. But I think the reason why the "Society" keeps finding new light and keeps adjusting data for the masses is so we apostates look like we don't know what we are talking about. Sounds like a conspiracy theory eh? When someone asks me about this or that I usually say "in my day it was like this" . ( sound like a real old timer eh?) I really didn't know that is was okay for organ transplants until my Dad had his heart attack in 1997.
I also didn't know about the changes to the blood issues made in 1978. Wasn't reading my Watchtower very carefully. I could have taken the "rhogam" injection for my rh negative blood when my babies started arriving in 1979 and finished in 1984. All three kids had very few problems relating to the to the rh factor.Feel so fortunate that way And of course whole blood is still out right?. No blood during c sections. Was a good girl.
During those years Canada's Red Cross wasn't screening properly while taking blood donations and many people were contaminated with tainted blood and blood derivatives. JWS could use the argument that they were right about the blood issues but they had already changed their minds on certain by-products. If I had been reading my Watchtower in 1978 I could have take the rhogam shots and I still could have been "contaminated".
So while my blood still boils(forgive the pun) over the risks I took to my children's lives the end result is my blood is really clean. Been told I have a somwhat rare blood type. Don't ask me if its A B or Z or O or t y z because I can't remember but my blood is clean. They like me at Canadian Blood Services and they give you juice and biscuits after. So consequently I give blood as often as I can because I am clean.....those needles still hurt though. The juice and cookies make up for it.
hi folks,.
briefly, i now live just outside london, uk.
parents converted to jws when i was 2. moved twice to 'where the need was greater'.
Many of us here could fill volumes with our stories. The odd thing is that sometimes people don't believe I was being shunned so I would keep my thoughts to myself as much as possible. My aunt (non witness)for several years thought that I was imagining that my sister would not visit with me anymore after the inquistion got me in 1985. She does believe it now but it took a long time for her realize that this I did the right thing. I am so glad that I did not give up on this aunt because now she is a believer.....a believer that the witness relatives really are wrong and I am right. I am so glad I did not turn my back on her for turning her shoulder on me.
Personalities come into play...I was always the mouthy disobedient child while my little sister was the quiet unassuming very likeable child. So some of the non witness relatives were ready to chalk it up to me and my assertiveness and that I was to blame for my disfellowshipping. But like I said I did not give up on them and I have a group of non witness relatives who I cherish deeply and they cherish me too.
I sure would love to see my sister exit the organization. She really is a sweet person but that also makes her a follower too and I don't expect to have a socializing cup of coffee with her in the future. Ah well I have my other aunts, uncles and cousins who like to be with me.
Welcome FREE TO BE ME and thanks for sharing your experience. I am relatively new to this site and am learning so much...Hope you do to.
g'day folks, .
i don't post much nowerdays but on returning here after a break it strikes me how serious minded many of you are.
well that's all fine and dandy, serious people got rights too, but i do wonder why it is that jw's (once a jw always a jw in my little black book of sigmund fraud ;) are more seriously disposed and want to argument than the population in general (don't argue with me about this people i done a survey) .
was bitter and bent .....becoming happy with a twist....or is that the other way around
we are all at different stages.
never thought I could enjoy the birds singing again but now I wait for them to wake up after a good nite's sleep
if the good nite sleep doesn't happen it's ususally because of the spicey chicken I shouldn't haven't eaten at bed time....burp
I think j rizo looks like Springsteen at a quick glance
just wanted to say "welcome" to all the new people who have joined recently whether or not you've mustered up the courage to make your first post yet (it can be daunting).
glad you found us and decided to sign-up!.
i'm the tech guy behind the scenes so if you have any problems or questions then you can either email me (use the 'contact us' link at the bottom of each page) or post a question in the technical support area (unless your problem is that you can't post, lol) and someone will be able to help.. there are a lot of good people here and i'm sure you'll have fun as well as get some good answers.
When registering I didn't make my email available to the general public. I just took a look at my profile which now has Canada added to the location. I am considering making my email available but need to change the one that is listed. To change email address to one that I would like to use for this forum means re-activating or re registerering? How long would this take and would I be able to keep the same name and password? Thanx. Somewhat computer illiterate here.
Thanx for the welcome. Feel I am adjusting to this and the live chat as well. I think you have a good thing going here.
i just got my cat neutered..... i know its the responsible thing to do...but i still feel horrible about it!.
Jan .....chances are they wouldn't let you move into their world without a bit of a fight. Would take a lot of adapting. I guess the best thing is for all of us to stay where we are right?
I do like your attitude about wild animals. However cats have been domesticated for thousands of years and everyone knows that a cat owns you: not you own the cat.
SPICE cute comment about Tarzan but I don't think Jan wants the role maybe Mowgli he would prefer.