JoinedTopics Started by onintwo
How does it keep going?
by onintwo inok, we know that field service, for the most part is unproductive.
that is, very few newly baptised jw's are from converts.
that means that most dubs make babies, indoctrinate them, and they become dubs.
Pet peeve #24.
by onintwo inwhy is it that cashiers hand you your change back with all of the loose change on top of haphazardly stacked bills?.
man, that pisses me.
i remember years ago when i was trained, we always handed the change back into the open hand.
Is it harder for ladies to apologize?
by onintwo inyesterday i had a little spat with my wife.
it's all cleared up today.
she's a wonderful gal and we love each other very much.. but one thing kinda bugs me.
Are you an organ donor?
by onintwo inwhat shoud i tell 'em, part me out or not?.
they want my heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and corneas!
at least that's what the lady asked when i renewed my drivers license today.
JW counseling, 2004 style, over sodas and pizza
by onintwo inthis actually happened!
a couple weeks ago, my wife and i stopped at our favorite pizza shop after furniture shopping all day sunday.
settled in at a table directly across from us was a nicely dressed young couple and a similarly dressed grey haired gentleman.. he had a bible that looked strangely familiar, so i kind of (horrors) eaves-dropped a little.
Dick Gephard cried today. In public....
by onintwo invery few men cry in public.
i mean really cry.
dick did.
Attention Hairdressers! Got a question for ya.
by onintwo ini realize cutting hair is more "art" than "science" but isn't there someway a hairdresser can give you the same cut each time?
some way to "quantify" the length the hair should be on the top, sides, back, etc?.
i know this may sound silly, but i get mine cut religiously every 3-4 weeks.
It's probably all gonna hit the fan soon!
by onintwo inthere must be hundreds of thousands of current jw's who haven't planned for retirement.
i know that i was "in" the troof til my mid-forties and always believed what's the point?
didn't they tell us that advanced degrees were useless?
What does 'spiritual hunger'/'spiritual thirst' feel like?
by onintwo inthis is something i've wondered about for some time.
when i was 'in', the wts threw those words around alot.
almost every study topic in the wt, it seemed talked about them.
What is the WT's position on important topics like GOLF?
by onintwo inha!
just wondering if there is anything the wbts could possibly say against this wonderful game.
probably the only knock would be that it's so addictive and it would take up all of your time.