Hello Mortons68,
Go to this link and read the testimonies of people who have HAD Fibromyalgia, but are now free from it:
Yes, the medical community and the pharmaceutical companies are BIG BUSINESS, want to keep cramming drugs down our throat (as if that's a cure!). You would do yourself a HUGE favor to learn how unhealthy foods affect your body. In a nutshell, the TRILLIONS of cells in our bodies are renewing themselves constantly, so when we consume unhealthy things (poluted air, unclean water, junk food) into our system, our cells are not getting the nutrition they NEED to build new, strong, healthy cells. So, over the course of time, our organs start to break down and disease occurs. There are thousands of people who have literaly REVERSED their cancer, heart disease, etc. etc. by just changing what they eat.
I wish you all the best,