True Oldflame" your right. The GB is nothing more than apostates them selfs, they had a hostile take over when old man Rutherford came dancing in with all his weird laws of man. The associated bible students are the real ones that have as about as close to the truth, as you can get, they don't lord it over on you with man made rules that take away your god given conscious.
JoinedPosts by Cheetos
PROOF that the GB lurk HERE ???
by AlphaOmega ina while ago, i posted this thread....
in which i said.... this is strange, i read that in 1995 they did away with the "generation" teaching, yet the official watchtower website still says this, over 12 years later !.
thus, all the features of the last days must take place within the lifetime of one generation, the generation of 1914. so some people who were alive in 1914 will still be alive when this system comes to its end.
Prayer a Waste of Time?
by WTWizard inhow often do you hear about prayer at the meeting that, if you should pray that if jehovah wills that he should do something?
to me, this is a total waste of time to pray if that condition applies.
you see, if jehovah willed something, why would he need to wait for you to ask him for it?
I know where you going with your post, the witness idea basically like most things they view as truth is that Jehovah will not be close to you but you have to be close to him, that is what I always felt anyway.
I have found after getting far away from them and not heeding everything the GB says, is that Jehovah is near to those who call upon him in trueness" and he can and does get personal with you in answering your prayers, do not cut Jehovah short, cause your depriving your self of many wonderful moments.
Shunned at Walmart
by Grammy inthe greeter was a woman i once called friend and who (unfortunately now) was baptized after studying with me for a year.
when i walked in i was the only one coming through the door so it's not like she didn't see me, she turned away and ignored me...not wanting to lower myself to her level i simply got a shopping cart and went about my shopping, my first instinct was to report her to management for dereliction of duty but i thought better of that because my doing so would show her it upset me.
i really owe her a debt of gratitude because it was at her baptismal talk that my first strong doubt that it was the truth finally penetrated my foggy brain, as i sat and repeated the baptismal questions to myself at the assembly when she was being baptized i realized they were not the same ones i answered in 1974, that started me on my journey out of the org.
Or you could go to the deli and get her some hard boiled eggs and baked beans, whew and offer it to this person for lunch, and say your such a hard working employee and your so friendly too please enjoy and do it in front of others.
Ha Ha
An Elder Just Knocked on My Door
by DoodleBearRae ini didn't bother to answer.
it's probably because i told my ex last week that i will personally sue the individual elders if they meet with my daughter again to counsel her without my parental consent.
we have joint custody and that means they need joint parental consent to counsel a minor.. i am filing for sole custody of our 12 year old daughter and will be serving him with the legal paperwork next week.
The reason they have such Cohoonies about such things is (GB) hierarchy makes them feel like they are really something, with their brief cases full with books and their little colored pens and special letters form the (GB), and their going to elders meetings and keeping their wifes up late waiting for them wow wow, lets face it, a lot of elders have a deep seated desire to be police man, and this is the closest they can ever come.
The society gives them a false sense of security when it comes to power over other people, and they project that false sense of power over on others, it's quite affective. Don't be fooled by it, you have power too under the laws of the United States of America see an attorney if you have to, it's a good shot in the arm to know your true rights completly apart from the Witness's rules, which are completly self serving in a judicil setting, remember this these rules are staked against YOU!!! not against them.
Who here believes in Creation, yet believes in the Fossil records??
by Lady Liberty ingood morning and "happy sunday everyone!!.
yesterday our family (grandparents, grandkids, aunts, uncles) all went for a two hour drive for a picnic and all day fossil dig.
(sorry, i cannot tell you where, as it would probably reviel who i am to the trolls on this forum.
Well, after seeing and living around, my ex-mother in law I now belive whole heartedly in the old Fossil record.
Shunned at Walmart
by Grammy inthe greeter was a woman i once called friend and who (unfortunately now) was baptized after studying with me for a year.
when i walked in i was the only one coming through the door so it's not like she didn't see me, she turned away and ignored me...not wanting to lower myself to her level i simply got a shopping cart and went about my shopping, my first instinct was to report her to management for dereliction of duty but i thought better of that because my doing so would show her it upset me.
i really owe her a debt of gratitude because it was at her baptismal talk that my first strong doubt that it was the truth finally penetrated my foggy brain, as i sat and repeated the baptismal questions to myself at the assembly when she was being baptized i realized they were not the same ones i answered in 1974, that started me on my journey out of the org.
Shunned at Wall-Mart, oh my. Well lets all make a continuing list of come backs under such circumstances preferably to show others (on-looker's that we may be next of the next of kin of the one that is shunning us even if we are not. When a friend of family shuns you say: When is uncle Waldo's funeral today? I finished painting your house yesterday I sure need the money for the kids school clothes. Anytime you need to borrow my blender again just let me know. Thanks for taking me to work all last week mom (or some other family name.) Oh and this say thaks for having me over for dinner last night, if they are with other known Witness's. Haa ha, or say hay last night was the most wonderful evening I had in a long time. If all else fails give them the proverbial BIRD Ok now keep it going...
Help! Calling all Ex-Elders for advice on Appeal Commitee Situation
by flipper inhello guys, mr. flipper here.
here's the deal, i'll try to be brief, hard for me.
mrs. flipper and i got married last october, but before that one month before,my 18 year old daughter, her mom, my ex from 1998 and her husband came incognito one sat.
Now listen right up now, you must first and foremost realize that the situation is stacked against you from the beginning, sometimes I mean just once in a while you may find honest hearted elders who sincerely want to be fair and possibly be forgiving to those in the congregation knowing that they too are imperfect, but the system is controlled by the GB so forget being fair like in a court of law.
You can't even have a advocate to represent you rights even according to the by laws of society.
Think about it!
How the Governing Body is like Landru - Tounge & Cheek
by Cheetos inenterprise is investigating beta iii, where the u.s.s.
archon disappeared over 100 years before.
when the landing party exhibits strange behavior, kirk sends another party down to investigate.
That's right I never seen your post, and by the way it's good there guy, I am humbled at being such a Nood.
Jehovah's Witness beaten, tried and sentenced to labour camp
by kwr inuzbekistan: jehovah's witness beaten, tried and sentenced to labour camp.
by felix corley, forum 18 news service <>.
samarkand city court sentenced jehovah's witness irfon hamidov on 14 may to.
Yeah me too I am sorry for him too, what a wast, I think if the (GB) told the Witness's not have a BM on Friday's they do just what they said rather than ask one of the elders for what reason pray tell.
What was your perception of cults?
by brinjen inbefore you realised you were in one...... did you picture pale sickly people in robes who had all their members living in villages?
or was your 'mental picture' a little more "human?".
how does that image compare to now?.
I always wanted to go to the Fire Man celebration in North West Nevada and run around nude, and drink beer and behave like a Moron.