JoinedPosts by Fisherman
How come the old boys on the GB don't get kicked out at 70?
by eyeslice init would appear that circuit overseers (no dos these days i guess) are taken off at 70 years old.
even older ones in bethels are disposed (sorry 're-assigned to the field) of before they get too past it.. how come though the old boys on the gb aren't shown the door at 70 and replaced by younger men - obviously of the recently anointed type?
they don't look a particularly fit bunch so they can't claim special mightiness because of doing 'the lord's work'.
Clever Misdirection
by TD ini was looking at the (mostly) wrong answers to a riddle that's making the rounds on social media and thought it was a good example of how something simple (in this case, grade school math) can be distorted with words.
the riddle goes like this:.
i bought a cow for $800.. i sold it for $1000.
As it relates to Bible prophecy, count the money (prophits) at the end of the day.
Will JWs throw you under the bus if you have a transfusion?
by Vanderhoven7 inmark writes.
"if a person accepts a blood transfusion, the jehovah’s witness elders are required to “investigate” to see if the person is sorry for “cowardly” saving their life.
if the person doesnt beg and grovel to the elders for allowing the doctor to save their life (or that of their child) then the elders can take this as a sign that he/she has disassociated from the congregation - and tell the congregation to start shunning them.. if someone willingly takes blood, perhaps because of being under extreme pressure, the committee should obtain the facts and determine the individual’s attitude.
As in all matters of "wrongdoing", repentence or the lack of it is key.
In all matters such as $exual immorality except bt, most of the time the verdict is unrepentant followed by df. The key in bt is that the sinner doesn’t show defiance or says that wt is wrong about the doctrine, for example. If that is the case then obviously the sinner doesn’t want to be a JW and is disassociated as you pointed out. Other than that, if the sinner says he was afraid or gives some other reason why, admitting his guilt, that is sufficient evidence of repentance to the tribunal . WT won’t test the truthfulness of his words as is the case with other sins. Obviously, a JW will refuse a bt if he can help it but under the pressure of the moment he might give in, so prima facie the case is about weakness and much mercy and compassion and understanding is extended and usually it is the sinner that feels very bad about it. But it the sinner starts carrying on that the wt is wrong or justifies what he did, it becomes clear he is not a JW because JW believe and practice different.
Will JWs throw you under the bus if you have a transfusion?
by Vanderhoven7 inmark writes.
"if a person accepts a blood transfusion, the jehovah’s witness elders are required to “investigate” to see if the person is sorry for “cowardly” saving their life.
if the person doesnt beg and grovel to the elders for allowing the doctor to save their life (or that of their child) then the elders can take this as a sign that he/she has disassociated from the congregation - and tell the congregation to start shunning them.. if someone willingly takes blood, perhaps because of being under extreme pressure, the committee should obtain the facts and determine the individual’s attitude.
No. Not even 50 years ago. At most, private reproof. What is hard is how the individual feels believing that others won’t think highly of him.
Just courius, some questions about the past
by Gorb incurious.
time goes by so fast.
who remembers 1975, the ray franz incident, the generation change in 1995, the blood fractions, alternative service, participation in ochr, aid afrique, the historical research by james pellechia, jolene chu and johannes stephan wrobel?
I remember the music.
Where is Reinhard Lengtat?
by jst2laws insorry for the posting error below.. my wife is reading crisis of conscience now.
this is good news because i know i will have someone to talk to when im caught and dfd.
but in her reading she is recognizing most of the names ( we were there at bethel during the 70s as a married couple) and asked what happened to reinhard lengtat?
Bernie Getz’s face and slim appearance reminded me of RL.
UKRAINE: are things SO bad......
by BoogerMan in....that fighting-fit young ukrainian men are having to be evacuated - to accommodation in dublin city centre?.
beats the rubber dinghies, i suppose..
I don't care if they are legal or illegal immigrants. I just don't want the UK population to keep expanding.
I know what you mean but the powerful don‘t care. More immigrants translates into more money and control and power.
UKRAINE: are things SO bad......
by BoogerMan in....that fighting-fit young ukrainian men are having to be evacuated - to accommodation in dublin city centre?.
beats the rubber dinghies, i suppose..
Countries are not sending trillions $$ and taking in refugees for free and for humanitarian reasons, they would be emptying out Somalia and other poor countries if that was the case. So what are they getting out of it and how will the average citizen John Doe benefit at the of the day when the bill is paid?
Any news on Blood?
by Fisherman ini haven’t seen anything in the news lately and wt position remains the same, so no change.
except, that when there is massive blood loss, my family mds have told me that without a bt there is practically zero chance of pulling through—short of an act of god.
jw know this and have decided beforehand.
TD, PN is Rabbinical misunderstanding of :
“So you may live by them.” Jesus never taught that interpretation. The words are not implying that someone under the law was released from law if obedience would result in his death such as dying of hunger then eating infected pork unknowingly to live by them. Also, the work Jesus allowed on the Sabbath was the same work Jews of that era were already doing such as untying animals to get them water, etc. Jesus said nothing about only observing the law when it resulted in life.
Any news on Blood?
by Fisherman ini haven’t seen anything in the news lately and wt position remains the same, so no change.
except, that when there is massive blood loss, my family mds have told me that without a bt there is practically zero chance of pulling through—short of an act of god.
jw know this and have decided beforehand.
sanctity of the gift of life and the severe penalty for unjustly depriving another human of that gift
questionable (human) reasoning on what commands against eating blood might have meant in the context of modern medicine.That is true IF wt directive is not coming from God as WT claims to be directed by holy spirit and the FDS, Jesus “brothers” on earth, the wife of Christ, kingdom heirs and kings in heaven, the seed. But if wt is the entity it claims to be -and JW are convinced that holy spirit directs “God’s organization”-then there is no way around the scripture because God is the source of wt decisions.
TD, you make a powerful argument even considering the argument that since wt has been wrong before, logically they can be wrong again —as you point out the variable of human error—but JW are mentally convinced.