Martin & Simon I feel for you both. I have to agree with Eyeslice that there seems to be a "pulling of rank and politics" amongst the elders and in the congregations. From my own observations after years as a JW I saw that a lot depended on "who you were" as to the way a matter was handled. My question is Martin, if the body of elders felt that your not meeting with them was an act of disassociating yourself, then if that is proper protocol, shouldn't they just have stated that in an announcement rather than taking it upon themselves to "be kind" and disfellowship you? My opinion is both are equally tarnishing and damaging to you as a person, but because of "who you were" this was the decision that was made? Does that sound like the workings of a United Body or rather does it sound like personal opinions and feelings of imperfect men? Once again, my point is, Who are they as imperfect human beings to sit in judgement of others and presume to be able to read a person's heart and mind? This is a matter that should be left strictly up to God and Christ! Therefore, if one wants to leave ANY religion he should be able to do so quietly without any "announcement" of sorts and ultimately answer to God!