Yes, this was a great movie, but disturbing too on so many different levels. The strength of the Aboringines was amazing though. A must see on my list of movie recommendations.
i rented this last night and really loved it.. have any of you blokes and sheilas seen it, then, and what did you think?
Yes, this was a great movie, but disturbing too on so many different levels. The strength of the Aboringines was amazing though. A must see on my list of movie recommendations.
so far, i've been left alone.
no one's bugging me.
i hear the c.o.
Been about 2 1/2 years now since I attended a meeting. I hadn't seen the elders in about a year and 1/2 (I live one mile from the KH) and one of them stopped by to introduce me to "our" new district overseer addressing me as if I was still a part of the fold, which made me uncomfortable. I very simply stated to both of them that I don't really feel like talking right now, so they left. When they come around again I will repeat that same line.
It is strange as I live in a very small town and I haven't seen some of the JWs since I stopped attending the meetings, not at the grocery store or anywhere. If I do see some of them on a rare occasion they either don't see me (or act if they don't). If I am ever greeted I am polite (ususally it is an old senile sister or someone of that sort) as I feel rather sorry for them.
It still hurts that my sister does not want to communicate with me because she is still an active gung-ho dub, but I have to leave her in her world because that is what she wants right now and I know I can't change her mind.
Sometimes I have flashbacks to the JW mentality. I also have the occasional meltdowns and I am very sensitive about the relationships I do have in my life. I have a hard time trusting that I won't be cut off by others who are not JWs if I don't perform somehow for them. I am still working on that part of it.
source: wikipedia online encyclopedia
"changes in viewpoint that took place up to 1939: 1921 - vaccines banned.
1927 - "faithful and discreet slave" is identified as a group of christians and not an individual
JWs say that God's word never changes and yet the WT Org continues to make major doctrinal changes. A reasoning person would say that if God's word never changes--and the WT does-- that the WT is not from God. But the JWs are trained to view it as "new light" or "the light is getting brighter as the day draws near. Of course when that day is nobody knows and the WT adherants continue on their dizzy roundabout carnival ride afraid to get off lest they miss their promised prize at the end. (And we all know how valuable those carnival prizes are)
cybs (feeling rather weirdly wordy this morning)
Nicely laid out time-line by the way
is this the only example of how a young woman can seek righteousness first, .
3. what is righteousness?
The head of the department told the young woman that he would employ her permanently and even give her a higher position, provided she would have an immoral relationship with him. This she flatly refused, even though it would mean the loss of her employment.
2 Was that young Christian woman unrealistic? No, she was carefully following Jesus' words: "Keep on, then, seeking first ... [God's] righteousness." (Matthew 6:33) For her, following righteous principles was far more important than gaining an advantage by means of committing sexual immorality. -1 Corinthians 6:18.
How can you not be critical of something so poorly written? Was it unrealistic that she didn't sleep with her boss? I think this question is an insult to the readers.
So how many of you have had your job put on the line unless you slept with the
boss. I have worked almost 50 years and this only happened once. I know that
there are many, many NON-JWs in the same situation who "flatly refused, even
though it would mean the loss" of their jobs.exactly blondie
Again the WT leads the readers to assume that others (nonJW) would believe this woman to be unrealistic.
So,it is a double insult here to the reader and to non-JWs.
The WTdialog is patronizing to all.
hi guys, as most of you know i have been inactive for a bit ( august of 2004 was the last time i turned in time) i changed congregations in december and have pretty much faded.
last night i had a talk with someone and he asked me why i was still in, why not just da?.
my answer ?.
I have faded away from the Org and see no reason to become involved with them again by DAing myself--the whole DA thing is their little game. I am no longer a JW because I no longer participate in anything JW. I didn't sign any papers going into the JW and see no reason why I need to sign anything going out of it. I won't acknowledge them in anyway by sending them any paperwork or talking to any elders or whatever. I just tell them when they come around that I don't want to talk to them. I am way over it...But whatever works for you--some people may need some closure with all of it.
I wish you well,
- what you think is the worst the wts has done?.
- what doctrine of the wts is the worst?
Lots of wacky religions out there that believe all sorts of wacky things, but the JW shunning and blood doctrines are dangerous death dealing doctrines causing loss of life and family and so much pain and agony. This is the worst.
we went to our favorite beach, met up with some of our local friends.
we don't have much in the way of details - but heard some devasting news that ari (well known to seattle area exjw's and i am sure by many on the board) killed himself sometime over last weekend.
he was so excited about moving to maui, and starting a new life here.
I got to know Ary though JWD. We wrote a few times since he was coming to Hawaii to live and we were going to meet over here someday. He seemed a kind and sensitive man who was deeply hurt by the shunning experience. I think many of us cried when we read his stories of grief over the loss of his family and friends. He was a good man.
i tried to show the nature of jehovah to my mother and neice by using the story of the levite and the concubine and the awful carnage of the innocents jehovah santioned as a result of one rape and murder (judges 19-21).
they were both supporting jehovah's sanctioning of the murder of thousands of men, women and children.
at one point they said that i was getting too precious about the murdered children, that they would inevitably become like their parents, 99% of whom were innocent in this story anyway, and that what good would it do to leave them alive if the bread provider was dead in battle, better to finish them off too.
They funny thing is if i told them this levite story but changed the places and names, to say Inca, they would say how awful the Inca's gods and religion is. It's good that the Spanish Christainised them.
Spectrum, I have thought of this often. If we changed the names and said that another religion was practicing the things that the WT encourages its followers to practice, the majority of JWs would condemn that religion in a minute. Also, if we presented the facts of the WTs ever changing "light" would they not be called a false prophet according to bible standards?
does anyone know the length of contract or agreement that those who received a law degree funded by the wtbts had to sign?
thanks dan
I recall when my daughter was thinking about attending college there was one elder who took an interest--I always thought this a bit strange. He said he had done career councelling. After he questioned her a bit about her strong point he highly suggested that she get into architecture or engineering because she could be used by the organization with these skills. Maybe there are elders like this in some of the congos who are head hunters for the society? My daughter was a good student--maybe they are on the lookout for these types. I always wondered how they found any skilled workers in the Org when it was discouraged to the majority. Maybe it is an underground sort of thing.
comments you will not hear at the 02-0o5-06 wt study (january 1, 2006 issue, pp.
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Thanks Blondie,
I still know some of the JW kids who are attending college. These anti-college comments really put a lot of pressure on these parents and their kids. I imagine them sitting there with that horrible sinking feeling that I used to get when something like this was brought up in a meeting. It also ads fuel to the fire of those judgemental ones who like to point fingers at anyone who is doing something questional by the WT standards. I remember a sister who took me out to coffee to lecture me the whole time about my daughter who was attending college at the time. She just kept telling me that I should go back and read the magazines because the society says JWs should not be attending college, but should pioneer instead. (My adult daughter was trying to get out of the JWs at the time and wasn't even interested in attending meetings, so the advice was not even applicable to anything I had control over.) This was also during the time when the WT was saying college was more of a matter of choice. This woman had told her kids not to even think about college or a career when they were growing up--their career would be to pioneering. Her daugter pioneered for awhile, but is Dfd now and living a crazy hard drinking life. The son has has been on heavy drugs and in and out of prison (also Dfd now).
How can you trust this organization when you see the results that following its advice has had upon its members?
This article was hard to read--actually depressing and pathetic and so much of the same old same old news.
Thanks blondie--it all helps me realize how grateful I am to be outta there.