I am glad that he has moved out of the States...I am so tired of seeing/hearing about that family!!! Maybe the rest of them will move also????
I feel sorry for his kids...trading one high control group for another!
maybe they will finally have to disfellowship him.. .
michael jackson going muslim?
roee nahmias .
I am glad that he has moved out of the States...I am so tired of seeing/hearing about that family!!! Maybe the rest of them will move also????
I feel sorry for his kids...trading one high control group for another!
i wonder what the jw's think about other religions around the world that are persecuted because of jesus's name..... they aren't the only ones being persecuted.
There was never any real compassion shown for other religions...JW's are the only TRUE christians!!!
hi my website www.tijkmo.com has been updated and has most of my recorded material on it now..this is home recorded and there is a variety in the quality of the recordings as i am just learning but i hope you will take a visit have a listen and let me know what you think... cheers..ian
Wow! That's really great! Thanks for posting the link...
what would/could happen if you and your wife decided that you needed to divorce?
lets say one of us screwed up and cheated, how do you think it would go over if you stonewalled the elders when they tried to get some info?
just told them "it is personal" or just told them that there was grounds to divorce ( even if you did not give any more info).
I can only hope that more people will quit letting the WTS tell them how to live their lives!!! Don't confess anything to them, unless you have thought it out...and don't volunteer anything either. The less they know the better. I hope more JW's catch on....
whe i hit 19, i was living at home and working, secretly saving up for a tiny apartment so i could fade.
i was showing no interest in finding a "suitable marriage mate" in the truth.
suddenly, there started appearing at our sunday meetings eligible young brothers from out of town, and they seemed to be meeting up with my parents stranger still, they had been invited back to our house afterwards for lunch!
I didn't know I could do that!!! Thanks for the info! I can't wait to start helping my sons "find" girlfriends!!!
Swalker (of the naive parents association)
kingdom ministry for october under: how can we help?
..."when donations are earmarked specifically for a certain disasters, it is necessary in some countries to use such funds only for the purpose specified by the donor and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of out brothers have been cared for locally or not.
(is this true and if so, isn't that the whole point of donating to natural disaster victims?
Blindersoff...I specifically asked an elder who was on the building committee and that's his exact words, not mine. I had heard it also and I just wanted to know from a person "in the know", so I asked. On a previous thread this was backed up by a posterwho had 1st hand experience also. I asked about the exhorbitant funds collected at each assembly and he told me how they arrive at the amount needed. In advance, each circuit comes up with a figure that they think can be collected to send to the Society by the end of the Sunday session. Our circuit for instance always had a deficit (according to announcements) of over $10,000.00 I knew the payment of the assembly hall, and I would sit there and try to figure out how it could possibly cost that much money for a 2 day convention. The elders/Co/Do get together and come up with a figure...say $8000.00 that is going to be sent to headquarters. So they announce to the circuit that the grand total is rent/electricity/water, misc. + $8000.00. Think about it...have you ever heard them break down those amounts??? They can't without giving away their creative accounting!
i've read posts from time to time where it is obvious that people have been treated badly by either a jc or by individual elder themselves while in the society.
i can honestly say that in all my years as an elder, i have never seen this side.
most elders that i have known are committed, honest and fair minded men, who believe in what they are doing and have complete and utter faith in the organization.
No one said that all elders are bad. There are some that are good men... just caught up in high control cult. To many of the posters on this website though that have been on the receiving end of a JC, this will probably not go over that great. Most elders fully appreciate the position they hold and accept the duties that go along with such. When they make these decisions that effect another person's entire life they have to accept the responsibility for their actions. The governing body sets the rules but they (elders) carry them out and see that they are imposed. Unlike the R & F, they are in a position where they could do the right thing, even it means stepping down and losing that position. When it comes down to the wire, it seems they always put themselves/position first. Think how many innocent children would have been protected had more elders done what Bill Bowen did! Think how many JW's have had their entire lives changed because elders had an ax to grind...it happens frequently. The elders are really the only ones who could fight to change these unscriptual policies and make a difference in how the WT organization operates. Too bad that they put that position above what they know in their hearts to be the right thing to do....
if you do, how does one shut off that feeling?.......
anyone got any suggestions?
It really is an issue with the mind. We are programmed from our enviornment to play a certain recording in our minds regarding how we feel about ourselves. If this is negative, we have to reprogram the tape. The best way to do this is to be aware of what you are saying to yourself internally. Then change it to a positive message. Practice telling yourself that you are a good person and deserve a good life. Replace Hate with LOVE...
What I found was that the JW organization keeps people playing the self-hate tape. Everything we did, or wanted to do was wrong...after a while that computes to our mind that we must be bad. Remember that no matter what we did it was never enough? It's hard to overcome those feelings, but you can if you make a conscious effort.
something occurred to me while i was reading the promiscuous sex thread.
the wt always refers to masturbation as self abuse.
i googled it and came up with many sites that linked it to cutting oneself, but only a couple that linked those words to masturbation, one being a site about sda prophetess ellen white, and the other some religious site.. of course if you type in self pleasure then you get the masturbation links.
Golden Glove Awards being given out as follows:
1st Place = 50,000 +
2nd Place =30,000-49,999
3rd Place =5,000-29,999
Please don't embarrass yourself by asking for award under 5,000.
don't delete this just because it looks weird.
can read it.. .
i cdnuolt blveiee taht i cluod aulaclty .
Don't delete this just because it looks weird. Believe it or not, you
can read it.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
waht I was
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to
rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the
ltteers in a wrod are,
olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat
ltteer be in the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can
sitll raed it wouthit a
porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not
raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?