...and actually, it's NOT 'up to the family' to decide whether to report.
In almost every state in the union, any adult who has even a 'suspicion' of child abuse has a legal duty (by LAW) to report to law enforcement, with criminal penalties for failure to do so.
To state "it's up to you, parents" is to minimize or ignore the LEGAL REPORTING REQUIREMENT.
Why not encourage actual compliance with the law? (novel concept..)
Why not enforce a 'ZERO tolerance' of child abuse in the congregations?
Why not protect the children FIRST?
From what i continue to hear from parents of victims, this isn't happening anyway.. ('it's up to you, parents'), UNLESS the purported molester is outside the cong, or minimally involved. If the molester is heavily involved in the org, it's still an 'inside' job.
'Policy is what you DO, not what you SAY you do..'
kimberlee d norris