The claymation is quite good. Whoever put it together is quite talented and obviously spending lots of time on this project instead of going out in service.
Posts by zack
JW Claymation Propaganda
by mavie in
found this on another board.
it's about 10 minutes...and o so sickening!.
Will Lack of Leadership Sink the JW Ship?
by Seeker4 ini see serious problems with the leadership of the witnesses on two important levels: locally, in smaller bodies of elders with marginally qualified men carrying heavier workloads, and internationally in a lackluster and unimaginative governing body.
there are no nathan knorrs, or fred or ray franz's in this pathetic group!
first, the local elders: .
The doubts were only part of it for me. If it had just been the case of an honest mistake or good men trying to do their best to
lead others to Christ, I could have still accepted things, mistakes and all. The Knock Out punch was the blatant DISHONESTY, the
total disregard for an individual's intelligence, integrity, and conscience. My reaction after Freeminds and JWD was not "How could they?"
it was "How DARE They!"----- (the GB)
And I am only one elder who sees it. Still an elder. Still in. And I can tell you the decline in the number of elders is real and the message from the
GB, if you are listening, is shrill. I hope every male JW becomes an elder. It is the fastest way to get a JW to see that the Org. does not follow the teachings of Christ.
And for those who reach out (to be elders) for love of God and brothers, it is the way out for them. The WTS doesn't want men w/ a Bible trained conscience because a bible
trained conscience will condemn them.
The sisters get in and stay in longer because they aren't allowed behind the curtain. Elder's wives are one of the first to see the the HS does not appoint any man to any position in the
JW structure.
So little knowledge
by grissom6471 inso many people here and so little knowledge of jehovah's witnesses.
there are still people here associating jehovah's witnesses with the watchtower society when that is not the case.
so many people look to the past not the future.
Brother Grissom:
You do the WTS cause an injustice. You are not even a versed apologist. Are you an elder? MS? A disfellowshipped sinner perhaps who feels the need to defend the WTS because you can't go back to the congregation but feel it is the only hope of salvation? Is that the trap you are in? Let go of it, Brother Grissom. The WTS, The Christian Congregation of JW's, call it what you will----- it's a house of cards, a fantasy, a collection of victims being led by victims. Get of her, Brother Grissom. For your own sake.
When did WT start teaching all wicked would be destroyed at Armageddon?
by cabasilas inrussell did not teach that all the wicked would be destroyed at armageddon.
neither did rutherford, initially.
that is why he preached that millions then living would never die.
Here is something interesting for you since you defend the WTS.
Sam Herd gave a talk at my Hall in 1999 where he used the book WOMEN and Angels. Mr. Herd was a DO at the time. He is now a member of the
Governing Body, God's sole channel of commuication with all of mankind. That book, which he says is at the Bethel and Gilead Libraries is written by a woman who claims she received the story from a fallen angel.. In it, a fallen angel falls in love with a woman, real love, true love, etc... and even protects her from the other "fallen angels" who are looking for women. This happens before the flood.
So, Sam Herd (who is now on the governing body and will rule with christ one day) uses a book as part of a talk to a congregation of Jehovah Witnessess and the book has been communicated to a human by a DEMON!!!! AN ENEMY OF GOD AND CHRIST!!!
This is just one Prince in the crowd of Princes you call the FDS.
Talk by brother Herd (long)
by moomanchu inthe stars fall from heaven?
~sigh~ and youll fall across the finish line into the new world!
we dont want that brothers.
Christianity has nothing to do with the Watchtower because they are not Christians. They are a religion that has removed the hope--- yes, sir---- even THE HOPE---- of being with Christ from the hearts of their followers. Jesus good news was about heaven and dwelling with him in the house of his father where there are many rooms and to where he would go off and prepare a place for them. THE WTS has shut out entrance to the kingdom of heaven. They have shouted; Look!-- He is in the wilderness, Look! He is in the interior rooms!''
What did Jesus say about such ones: DO NOT GO AFTER THEM! THEY ARE FALSE PROPHETS. YES. The WTS is a false prophet. As counterfeir as a $3 bill.
Why die over the Blood issue?
by PopeOfEruke inwhy is the blood doctrine worth dying for to most jw's?.
when faced with a life-threatening choice of blood or no blood, why don't they take the blood transfusion, then face the music and get disfellowshipped, act repentful and get reinstated in 6 months or 1 year?.
if you commit fornication or adultery, the punishment is still the same.
Welcome to the board. I too thought like you 'til I realized that no man or group o fmen speak for god. The WTS does not represent God or Christ. The ban on blood is evidence of this.
Grace versus Ephesians 4th & 5th Chapters
by TheListener infor those who are believers in god and the bible:.
if we have god's grace and have been purchased by jesus shed blood why do we have to be careful not to do the things mentioned in ephesians and elsewhere in order to not be excluded from god's kingdom?.
for example, ephesians tells us not to tell obscene jokes, or commit immorality, etc etc for if we do we will not inherit god's kingdom.
It's always possible that Paul was simply stating his own thoughts, and not God's: and because of this you see the seeming contradiction. Paul was a Pharisee and I suspect he had difficulty in keeping the works oriented thinking out of his theology. Also, it seems he drove himself pretty hard, pummeling his own body. Pummelling would not necessarily fit into the idea of a light load and kindly yoke.
Was the load of being a Witness, light?
by free2beme in"and you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.
" luke 11:46. as witnesses we want you to realize that the load put upon you is a light one.
one what is not burdensome, not something that would tire you or or over tax the mind.
Following Bible teachings, I think, is not heavy. If you conduct your business honestly, pay your taxes, are a loyal friend, good parent, faithful spouse: all these things benefit you in the end. What is NOT LIGHT is the load placed on Witnesses based on man made rules, most of which you mentioned. So no, the load of being a JW is much heavier--- unachievable IMO-- than the load of being a Christian.
"How Could I Have Believed the Garbage for so Long?"
by scout575 in"i went through the same thing when i started my deconversion process.
when i began to think rationally about life i was in shock.
i would ask myself, "how could i have believed the garbage for so long?
The Truman SHow!! YES! YES! EXACTLY!!!!
"The Thrill is Gone"
by zack inisn't that the way most jw's feel now?
just like that bb king song!
they stay, they work, they go through the motions, but the thrill is gone
Isn't that the way most JW's feel now? Just like that BB King song! They stay, they work, they go through the motions, but the THRILL IS GONE