You wouldn't drink a glass of your favorite beverage if there was even one drop of poison in it, would you? The JW's loved that question when strking down other religions. The same applies to them.
Posts by zack
'The good outweighs the bad'. I don't think so.
by ThomasCovenant infor most of my 30 years in the 'truth' (age 12-42 thereabouts) i have always doubted many many things taught from the watchtower.
however like many if not most of those brought up in it i got swallowed up in the whole social side of it.
bringing up children in it i told myself that it wasn't such a bad life after all.
How true it is - at least in my humble opinion!
by AK - Jeff inworld?
what about the president who took.
the president.
Wasn't the poll based on the direction the country is headed versus where it is now? If you're headed off a cliff, why be happy about the firm ground under your feet today? People want to shift away from the precipice they see the country headed over. I don't think that is pessimistic. Most like what they HAVE, and wish to PRESERVE it, they just don't see that as possible without a course correction. 7.5 trillion dollars of public debt. 1.2 trillion dollars anual trade deficit. A Middle East destabilized beyond repair. Rapacious greed on the part of oil companies. The middle class is slowly disappearing. People realize this is happening and want a change so that they can stay at the Holiday Inn on their way to Disney World in their Chevy Suburban. But if things don't change, they won't be able to. And it matters who is in power. It matters very much. Just MHO.
August 15th Watchtower 2007: 1935 A GENTLE REMINDER
by AlphaOmega inlest you forget.... .
this provides another chance to highlight the change.. .
These guys say "I don't know" more than Alberto Gonzalez. They are truely shamelss.
Trust us! Submit to us! Send us your money! But we don't know jack and don't have any more of God's spirit than you do.
And I fell for this! Geez.
JWs vs. Jesus Christ
by R.F. inchoosing life made a statement in another thread saying that just mentioning jesus too much will get you a concerned look from other jws.
i thought "oh how true that is!
" the thing that is intriguing to me is the fact jws are so quick to state that they are the closest thing to first century christianity.
This is just one more facet of their anti-christ beleifs. Officially, most JW's are still in their sins because only the 144,000 are in a covenant relationship with God. How can it get more anti-christ than that? 6 million people who want to please God by going to meetings and feild service and assemblies, etc.... and yet THEY WILL NEVER PLEASE HIM and their leaders don't allow them to get close to Him. The WTS KEEPS THEM AWAY FROM JESUS.
What's the main purpose to the out of town Assemblies?
by JH inwith all the meetings jw's attend each week, why do they need a district assembly or circuit assembly?.
is it to show how big the organization is or is it just to baptize a few.. couldn't this be done staying in their home town.
is there a financial advantage to the watchtower to have these assemblies out of town ?.
If ever the thought of living a normal life, planning for the future, getting an education starts to germinate in a dub's mind, an assembly or convention comes along and stamps it out. It's like a revival. The GB makes their weight felt at these events. All of it is a production controlled by Brooklyn.
Why do witnesses intentionally avoid having kids?
by NotaNess in1) don't want to deal with it at meetings is what i think would be on the top of the list.they see what others have to go through.. 2) i know a married couple jws, that are avoiding having kids, and i've heard of reasons from them like.... "don't want to raise them up in this system".
"time is too short".
"i'll wait until the next system of things".
I didn't notice much difference between JW's and regular folks when it came to having kids or not.
Moshe: Thanks for sharing. Doing something like that is awesome.
Disgusting comment re: holy spirit from the Tacoma 2007 District Convention
by TJ - iAmCleared2Land inthe thread re: education at the tacoma convention inspired this.
my sister called me this morning, she had the convention in tacoma last weekend.
she said she tried not to listen as much as possible, but the comment that got her steamed was this:.
God is often blamed for the things men do. Husband beating the shit out of you? WE don't want you to stay with him, but JEHOVAH does! See how it works?
Why I Loved the 2007 Convention "Follow the Christ"!
by V ini attended friday's part of the 2007 district convention "follow the christ" with my believing wife.
we survived the limited parking and crowded seating (although large sections of the auditorium had been shut off).
we suffered the monotonous program delivered by robotic speakers reading rehashed outlines.. so why did i love this convention?.
The convention our congo. is assigned to this year is but a few minutes drive away. This is the first time in 12 years that we have been assigned to a convention within 3 hrs. drive time. So what am I doing to show my appreciation for God's goodness? Why, going to the beach! Yes, three blissful days on the ocean.
God, it's good to be free!
Will The New Watchtower Kill Off The Awake?
by metatron ini don't know if any of you have considered this but is the new watchtower arrangement partly intended.
to permit the end of the awake magazine?.
it is a financially difficult thing for a religion the size of the "truth" to publish one - much less two .
They will kill off the public issue of the WT, IMO. That way, you still have the 2 mags and AWAKE, at least in name only, doesn't connect with the WTS. I can see the dubs liking placements of only Awake mags. over placements of WT mags.
How does GB keep the control not sitting in the board of the Inc.?
by Ancientofdays ini think you already discussed this.
any link or comments on it ?
The lawyers represent the Corporations and their shareholders. Whatever loyalty they may have sworn or feel to the GB, their CLIENT is the Corporation. When the GB actually was in charge of the Corporation I suspect their was very little conflict of interest that could have arised for a lawyer. But I think that right now, the potential for conflict of interest will increase over time as the lawyers counsel as a matter of law against positions the GB may takes as matter of religion. Their is at least potential for a showdown. Perhaps we will leave to see another "Harvest Sifting"?