When i pulled the curtain back and saw thaere was no wizard, I too felt many things. I went through the range of emotions most true beleivers grow through.
I now live life with a freedom I wish I had always had. Best of luck to you.
i don't know whether to laugh or cry.. a friend lent me coc yesterday and i stayed up most of the night reading it.
it took me 13 hours and i skipped the meeting today to keep reading, i couldn't bear to put it down.. i am shocked but not surprised at how closely ray's thinking mirrors my own in some ways.
the part that hit me hardest was.... "conviction, it has no meaning or validity unless it is individual, personal.
When i pulled the curtain back and saw thaere was no wizard, I too felt many things. I went through the range of emotions most true beleivers grow through.
I now live life with a freedom I wish I had always had. Best of luck to you.
i didn't attend any meetings in the month of august.
i worked too many hours and i just don't care any longer.
just the thought of driving 45 minutes,greeting brothers and sisters who don't really care about each other,singing the dreadful songs,listening to the boring talk(which are repeats of a repeat),going over the slanted watchtower study and then driving another 45 minutes home.. how did you feel when you knew that it was becoming unbearable to attend another meeting?.
The "special Talk" this year was the last meeting for me. Actually, I only stayed for the talk. I could not stomach to stay through the WT Study. That was it.
in reading the scriptures, it is clear that god has some serious anger issues, not to mention insecurities.
how does he deal with anyone who displeases him in the old testament?
he not only kills them, but their children, and their children's children.
While constipation may lead to irratibility, I'm with the "men made this stuff up." Men who wanted to control others and used fear to do it.
believe it or not this was the very very begining of my demise as a dub.. i picked the simplest thing that dubs disagree with christians on and i thought surely i could come to a conclusion as to wether dubs were right or christendom was right.i wanted to start building my foundation of faith in them.. i can't believe they are still using this stupid illustration of the loved one murdered by the weapon illustration!.
idiots, jesus wasn't murdered he gave his life ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
they have this on their site.. http://www.watchtower.org/e/200604a/article_01.htm.
I believe he was executed on a cross. Christians do not "venerate" the cross, as in worship it as an idol. To them it is a symbol of the power of God's love and the redemption made possible by His son--- who was led as a "sheep" to the slaughter. he is called the lamb, no? JW's are just contrarian.
i had to share this gem.how many fallacies do you find in it?.
can atheists be ethical?the answer to this question is a definite "yes.
" atheists are people who, whether they like it or not, have the law of god written on their hearts (rom.
There's nothing wrong with Christ----- his followers, however, are a different story.
I agree that a child has civil rights and that ANYONE who counsels against a proven life saving procedure should not only be prosecuted, but should have his b@#ls cut off. How is refusing blood for an infant different than abuse? Why is it not rightfully called murder?
And yes, there are risks to blood transfusions. But I know of no JW's who have EVER died of a blood transfusion, but have known 6 personally who have died while driving in service. There are risks to everything. The greatest risk of all is being a JW. IMHO.
while being a witness does not automatically make one mentally ill, it should be clear that huge.
numbers of witnesses are - and moreover, that the watchtower society encourages certain kinds.
of mental ills to maintain its control over publishers.
Amen, brother Met
with the public talk being shortened, the "members only" wt, and the bombshell in the sept.km comming up, i was wondering:.
has the society given up hope of bringing in new ones in affluent countries (with the exception of the foreign language field)?
are they thinking that they have to hover around those already "in", and not lose them because, now that they have access to info on the internet, new ones are just not going to "buy" the message?.
They need to eliminate a meeting night altogether. This "shortening " of the PT isn't that big of a deal to me. What can you say in 45 minutes that you cannot say in 30?
As was said previuosly, the mainline churches have all gone to 30 min. "messages"--- especially guys like Joel Osteen and David Jeremiah.
I agree that what the public talks need is a change of MESSAGE and not of TIMING. But this is JW land after all. Why should anything makes sense?
As for the Sep. KM--- dubs don't study now. This is just meant to give the elders something more with which to brand a JW a heretic if they wish to.
i have been wondering for a while if the new koolaid version of the watchtower will try to crack down on faders in some way.
i read about the marking talk of nvrgbk's brother and i wonder if this is a sign of things to come.
i know the elders do not like to have loose ends out there that they can neither control or influence.. what do you think?
There are now numeroud anti-stalking laws, trespassing laws, defamation statutes that one can use against "pro-active" elders. What we need are more and more lawsuits against LOCAL elders. Let them face a summons time and again and they will get tired and resign.
And, no, I do not think a "crackdown" is coming.
i have been wondering for a while if the new koolaid version of the watchtower will try to crack down on faders in some way.
i read about the marking talk of nvrgbk's brother and i wonder if this is a sign of things to come.
i know the elders do not like to have loose ends out there that they can neither control or influence.. what do you think?
Frankly, what THE HELL can they really do to you? Arrest you? Take your property? Write you out of their will? If they want to DF, DA me, my attitutde is:
Go ahead....make my day. And when they do, I will be the burr in their saddle they wished they never had. They fear us, don't you get it? They are the ones afraid. The local elders can be sued by people like me ad infinitum. I'd sue them in every county I could, knowing I'd draw a judge sooner or later who would let a lawsuit continue. The Corporation may be nameless, but the peons that enforce the WTS rules.... they are left in the cold by the Mother Org. when things get too heated.
God, these guys are evil.