I have to give her credit that at least she is willing to discuss the misgivings I have with the WTS. Up to this point I have not
openly stated my disbelief in the JW theology and thinks some of my attitude is just the libertarian streak in me. She said to me that my misgivings were perhaps a "lack of humility" and
that I was "too smart for my own good". She is a great girl, my wife, and I love her dearly, but I can clearly see the indoctrination and
witness-speak in her arguments. She said all this to me after discussing the new WT "arrangement.." I simply mentioned that I
thought that having two sets of scales was not only a little disingenous, but also dangerous. (Yes, I likened the 2 different WT's to
the scriptural prohibition of using 2 sets of scales--- one for the chumps and one for the leary). She accused me of being cynical and
seeing some type of malicious conspiracy in what the WTS did. This is when I asked her who her "mediator'' was. Naturally, she
said "Jesus" to which I said that according to the WTS she did not have a mediator but could only benefit from the ransom by associating with
the "remnant". She never read that anywhere, she says.
"Honey," I said, "only by associating with and submitting to the FDS and it's GB can anyone of us even HOPE to saved." (Thus saith the WTS)
She says she never read that. This from a girl raised in the truth, elder Dad, etc...... So, who can help her refresh her memory?