The GB know for a certainty the great amount of horsesh** they inherited from Freddy and the Judge. They just don't want to do anything about it.
What can they do? The honest thing would be to apologize, admit to 1914 being contrived, admit the whole FDS doctrine is contrived. Maybe they
have considered it and at the end of the discussion all were agreed on what a fantasy it all was, but then the question: NOW WHAT DO WE DO?
None of them wants to give up anything. Hell, they all paid their dues on the factory floor, took crap as MS's and Elders, traveled around as CO's, then DO's.
They are at the TOP of the JW food chain, man! You think they're going to give that up 'cause it's the RIGHT thing to do? NO WAY! They only do what
benefits THEM. And changing doesn't benefit them.