It will never happen. Why not? Because that will definitely be the "final nail" in their coffin. JWs will not stand for it any longer. That would be the same thing if they came in one day and announced "Jesus is Jehovah" at an assembly. It won't happen because it will prove point blank JWs cannot be trusted with biblical teachings. They might tweek the 144,000 a little and say they are all "men" and that the women can only be of the "great crowd". They might sell this change especially to their JW men. But they will never say the 144,000 is symbolic. I think the overlapping generation bought them many, many years and the number of the annointed going up instead of down will still be taught as some JWs are just "obsessed" with going to heaven that this makes them partake at the memorial. If the GB announces the 144,000 is not literal my 84 yr old JW mom will say "enough is enough". But time will tell and if they do announce it I will be shocked.
JoinedPosts by booker-t
I don't believe the JWs will ever change and say the 144,000 is "symbolic"
by booker-t init will never happen.
because that will definitely be the "final nail" in their coffin.
jws will not stand for it any longer.
Is there going to be a 2014 district convention?
by booker-t ini have heard rumors for over a year now that the wt is not going to have a 2014 dc.
i know they are having a circuit assembly and special day talk assembly but what about their yearly dc.
has anybody heard anything?.
I have heard rumors for over a year now that the WT is not going to have a 2014 DC. I know they are having a Circuit Assembly and Special Day Talk Assembly but what about their yearly DC. Has anybody heard anything?
Do you think Born Agains are tired of waiting for the "Rapture"?
by booker-t inmy heart goes out to born agains that are still waiting for the rapture and jesus taking them to heaven.
they are no different then jws waiting for armaggeddon.
how much time must goes by before both groups say "enough is enough"?
My heart goes out to Born Agains that are still waiting for the Rapture and Jesus taking them to heaven. They are no different then JWs waiting for Armaggeddon. How much time must goes by before both groups say "enough is enough"? Are they willing to wait another 2000 years before they call "uncle"?
Born Again Christians and JWs should look at the bigger picture and stop fighting with each other.
by booker-t init just amazes me how born again christians and jws are fighting and mudslinging at each other all the while not looking at the real problem in front of them the bible.
the bible has been used for thousands of years to committ all sorts of horrible crimes against others.
i am so sick and tired of reading about jws did this and that and christians did this and that when both groups will refuse to explain all of the contradictions and outright discrepencies in the bible.
It just amazes me how Born Again Christians and JWs are fighting and mudslinging at each other all the while not looking at the real problem in front of them the Bible. The Bible has been used for thousands of years to committ all sorts of horrible crimes against others. I am so sick and tired of reading about JWs did this and that and Christians did this and that when both groups will refuse to explain all of the contradictions and outright discrepencies in the Bible. Everytime you try to bring this up to JWs and Born Agains they always go on the defense and say God will show us or My Pastor said. Your Pastor cannot get you saved anymore then the man in the moon think for yourself. When you take a step back and just look at the Bible by itself it will make you just cry in disbelief. One thing that has always bothered me is when Jehovah tells Adam "the day you eat of the fruit you will die" this is clear and point blank. But Adam lived for over 900 years after that. I have always had trouble with this account. Did Jehovah change his mind? Is this a false prophecy? I have asked JWs and BACs and none of them can give a credible answer. I have heard some say Adam died "spiritually" or a day in Jehovah's mind can be 1000 years. If this is the case why would Jehovah make a big deal about Adam eating the fruit if he really meant Adam would die 1000 years later? Another thing that JWs and BACs cannot answer is Jehovah specifically states that a child will not be punished for the acts of his father but Jehovah destroyed 1000s of babies in the flood. And also Jehovah killed Pharoah's child and struck down David and Bathsheba baby for their Adulturey. Why did these innocent babies have to die for the crimes their parents committed. If JWs and BACs just sit down and analyze the Bible they will realize they are fighting a useless fight. It is the same as when two women fight each other over a man when they should be mad at the man. In the NT Jesus specifically tells his disciples that he was not going up to the fesitival. And when the disciples got there Jesus Christ was standing there in the flesh. Now my question to BACs and JWs did Jesus lie to his disciples? There are so many examples of things like this in the Bible that I just cannot take the Bible 100% and I have never swallowed it 100% even when I was a JW because there are too many things I question. I try to live a good life and not hurt others.
Is Jesus just an "escape" for ex-jws and Born Agains to hide their unhappiness?
by booker-t init is amazing how clear everything is when you just except yourself for whoever you are and not try to live up to a certain expectation.
since i have been out i have received my ba in psychology and now i am in grad school working on my ma in counseling therapy.
and one of the things i have learned since being in school is that i believe people try to use jesus as an escape for unhappiness.
It is amazing how clear everything is when you just except yourself for whoever you are and not try to live up to a certain expectation. Since I have been out I have received my BA in Psychology and now I am in grad school working on my MA in counseling therapy. And one of the things I have learned since being in school is that I believe people try to use Jesus as an escape for unhappiness. Religion totally messes your mind and thinking up and many people just continue in an endless cycle of "mental abuse" with religion and Christianity. I do not in any way want to sound Blasphemous because I still love God but I think our thinking gets so distorted and we go overboard on the Bible. I see people with bullhorns shouting on street corners demanding people accept Jesus or go to hell. I just do not believe Jesus would act this way. People use the bible for all forms of bigotry to treat people bad. I was certainly guilty of this when I was a JW and now I realize part of that is to mask our own insecurities. I now try to help people just be themselves and stop looking at everybody else's faults. It is hard because as an ex-jws I still have thoughts to WT thinking.
Are JW's using different terminology for "congregation discipline"?
by booker-t ini have been out for over 20 years now and sometimes i run into a young jws on the street and the language seems to be "greek" to me.
i have a hard time understanding what they are talking about.
when i was in(90s) they had 4 catergories for congregation discipline.
I have been out for over 20 years now and sometimes I run into a young JWs on the street and the language seems to be "greek" to me. I have a hard time understanding what they are talking about. When I was in(90s) they had 4 catergories for congregation discipline. 1.Disfellowshipped for conduct unbecoming of a Christian. 2. Disassociation (so and so has disasssociated themself and is no longer a JW). 3. Public Reproof (so and so has been reproved for conduct unbecoming of a Christian) 4. No longer an Approved Associate(unbaptized JWs). Have there been a change in terminology since the 90s? The young JWs were saying something like "We judically reprimand" I remember my mom (JW since the 60s) told me they use to say what crime the person did such as Adultery, Fornication, Homosexuality, Drunk, etc;
Now that Gays can legally get married, if one of the gay couple want to become a JW would he or she have to get a divorce?
by booker-t ini remember years ago maybe 20 years ago an elder or co was giving a talk on armaggeddon and he said that we know we are close to the end when homosexuals get the same rights as straight people.
he said jehovah would never allow gay people to marry because it would be an abomination and he would do the same as sodom and gommorrah.
what if a member of a gay couple decides to become a jws would he or she have to get a divorce?.
I remember years ago maybe 20 years ago an elder or CO was giving a talk on Armaggeddon and he said that we know we are close to the end when homosexuals get the same rights as straight people. He said Jehovah would never allow gay people to marry because it would be an abomination and he would do the same as Sodom and Gommorrah. What if a member of a gay couple decides to become a JWs would he or she have to get a divorce?
A "New" Revelation Grand Climax at Hand book might be released for Book/Bible Study?
by booker-t ina few elders i know said they hoped the wts would release a "new" revelation book to be studied during 2014. they said the jws need to be spiritually encourage at the "closeness" of the end and studying a "new" revelation book for 2014 might help shape up the flock of inactive, faders, disfellowship/disassociated jws to coming back.
posters what do you think a new rev book for 2014..
A few elders I know said they hoped the WTS would release a "new" Revelation book to be studied during 2014. They said the jws need to be spiritually encourage at the "closeness" of the end and studying a "new" Revelation book for 2014 might help shape up the flock of inactive, faders, disfellowship/disassociated jws to coming back. Posters what do you think a new Rev book for 2014.
If you were a District Attorney what charges would you charge Jehovah God with?
by booker-t inmy friend hector who is an ex-jw had me laughing so hard i started crying when he asked me this question.
i was over his house for coffee one day and somehow the subject came up and he said jehovah has to accept some of the blame for the problems of the world.
he said if he were da he would charge jehovah with child endangerment and child neglect(killing all of the children in the flood, sodom and gommorrah, 42 kids with the bears in the ot) he also said he would charge jehovah with flip flopping on his own laws such as you can eat meat(after the flood) then certain meats were forbidden(leviticus laws such as rabbit, beef, duck,) then nt said you can eat all meats again.
My friend Hector who is an ex-jw had me laughing so hard I started crying when he asked me this question. I was over his house for coffee one day and somehow the subject came up and he said Jehovah has to accept some of the blame for the problems of the world. He said if he were DA he would charge Jehovah with child endangerment and child neglect(killing all of the children in the flood, Sodom and Gommorrah, 42 kids with the bears in the OT) he also said he would charge Jehovah with flip flopping on his own laws such as you can eat meat(after the flood) then certain meats were forbidden(leviticus laws such as rabbit, beef, duck,) then NT said you can eat all meats again. Did Jehovah receive "new light"? We laughed and I would never blaspheme Jehovah or Jesus but for fun if you were DA what charges would you charge Jehovah with?
2 she-bears kill 42 children
by confusedandalone inwe all remember this passage vividly: from there elisha went up to bethel.
while he was on his way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him.
"go up baldhead," they shouted, "go up baldhead!
Confusedandalone, this is one of the few scriptures Hellfire teachers have told me proves Jehovah will punish children that do not accept Jesus such as children of Jewish parents, children of Mormons, children of JWs, children of any non-born again Christian religion. They say that children will be held accountable for their actions and if they do not show some love for Jesus Christ then Jehovah will torment them in fire for all eternity. But you have to remember most born-agains will never say this out loud or in public but they will condemn kids to hell in a minute privately. Trust me as I have said for years and years Born-Again Christianity is not peaches and cream that they pretend to make themselves out to be.