GodRules, don't count on a Watchtower Representative speaking in behalf of the Organization to fool the producer of Dateline into believing that the Watchtower Society is such a wonderful and truthful religion. Dateline knows all too well what the Watchtower Society is trying to cover up. Pedophiles in the closet just keep coming out to embarrass the good ol boys at the top. They keep trying to hide them but now there are too many victims that the Watchtower has tried to bully into silence, that are wanting to be heard loud and clear. And guess what GR, there isn't a damned thing WT can do to keep them silent anymore. I hope you enjoy the show when it airs this Fall. Dateline will expose the REAL APOSTATES. The Governing Body. I wonder if the producer of Dateline thinks that little Erica at the trial that is going on this week is an "opposer", or an "apostate". Maybe the real opposers are the Witnesses taking the side of the Pedophile. Do you really think the "householders" want to be drawn to such a tarnished, disfunctional, religion that spiritually abuses the members through guilt, shame, blame, punishment, and antagonistic, legalistic rules and regulations and sanctions meated out to victims and anyone daring to speak the truth?? Let's just wait and see GR.
JoinedPosts by ARoarer
Dateline Program - WHEN?
by troubled injust wondering if anybody knows when the dateline program will air.
any set date yet?
Freedom is so sweet!
by Ranchette insome of those that remember me wonder what i've been up to so far this year.i made a post tonight on the kids teens parenting board that tells some of it.check it out.. plus i'll add this.. since i quit meetings cold turkey believe it or not i've not experienced even one withdrawl symtom!!yea!.
i was in shock at first and it took me awhile to grasp that i was truly free.not df'd or da'd.
i don't believe in either and do not believe any man or group of men have the right to take friends and family from us!most of our friends and family have labled us anyway but that's their choice.. shall i confess my sins?
Ahh, Sweet Freedom, Ranchette, I can relate to exactly everything you are feeling. How exhilarating it is to be so unburdened from the horrible restraints we once endured. How wonderful to free oneself from the unrealistic expectations of others. What a relief to break free of the bonds of religious enslavement, and spiritual abuse. How refreshing to look at the world and life without the dark glasses of the Borg. I am enjoying all the things in life I never had a chance to think about before. Life is good now, and evern during bad times it feels not so bad when guilt is removed from the equation. I am truly happy for you Ranchette, and all of us who have escaped from the monotony of the weekly rut at the Kindom Hall.
Witness stabs a 16 yr old teen
by ARoarer inhas anyone heard about the news article in the august 8 record, about the young teen murdered by another ex-bethelit over a dispute over a girl?
it happend last week in ringwood, new jersey, and the jw's involved from the west milford congregation, as mentioned in the paper.
Thanks, BoozeRunner, I wasn't sure if it had been posted. I've been on and off here checking but this week has been so busy here and I haven't been on the computer much. Blondie, I had heard the one who had commited the murder was definitely an ex-bethelite, but unlike the comment from the elder that was contacted, he was not "inactive" as was told to the press.
Witness stabs a 16 yr old teen
by ARoarer inhas anyone heard about the news article in the august 8 record, about the young teen murdered by another ex-bethelit over a dispute over a girl?
it happend last week in ringwood, new jersey, and the jw's involved from the west milford congregation, as mentioned in the paper.
Has anyone heard about the news article in the August 8 Record, about the young teen murdered by another ex-bethelit over a dispute over a girl? It happend last week in Ringwood, New Jersey, and the JW's involved from the West Milford congregation, as mentioned in the paper.
Kingdom Hall Apartments Must be Vacated!
by Disengaged injust wondering if anyone heard about the letter that was sent out to all congregations whose kh have an apartment attached to it.
the edict from bethel was that these apartments were to be vacated a.s.a.p.
the reason: so retiring do's & co's with no place to go could occupy them.
Hi Mad, I understand what you are saying, however the story I had heard was that there was a caretaking arrangement, not a lease. I have known elders that have lived with families in Kingdom Hall apartments, that were asked to leave. I never was privy to what exactly their arrangement was accept that they were to "donate" a certain amount every month. Maybe the elder who was df'd was able to fight the Society over some loophole. Anyway, maybe my "reliable source" had been misinformed along the way. Any way, I agree with You Tina, about how the Society uses and then just throws you away.
Kingdom Hall Apartments Must be Vacated!
by Disengaged injust wondering if anyone heard about the letter that was sent out to all congregations whose kh have an apartment attached to it.
the edict from bethel was that these apartments were to be vacated a.s.a.p.
the reason: so retiring do's & co's with no place to go could occupy them.
I had heard from a reliable source that the reason the Kingdom Hall apartments were to be vacated was because a former elder who was living in one of those apartments was disfellowshipped and asked to leave. The df'd elder refused on the basis that he was paying rent and as a tenant had never been late paying the Society. He got himself a lawyer, took it to Court, and it was found out that the Society was not claiming the rent income. The governemt doesn't like that. The df'd elder won his case in court and the Society lost. So immediately the letter went out to all those living in Kingdom Hall apartemnts. Hee Hee
by Tallyman indateline-"soon!anydaynow!justaroundthecorner!".
just read bendrr's post.. been out of the loop for awhile.. what's the deal with this so-called piece/expose on jw-pedophilia.
that nbc's "dateline" is supposed to be airing?.
Hi all, I have been reading some of the comments from many eager to hear about this piece. It will be airing in the Fall and yes it has taken a seemingly long time but there is so much to cover, time schedules of those being interviewed, travel time for the producer and his crew to meet with various individuals, paper work, research, editing the many many hours of taping, reviewing tapes and documents,and much much more. The Producer spoke with us today and still is working hard to put the story together and he is doing a great job. There is still more information he is waiting on according to other's schedules, more yet to report on. I know this will be worth the wait because we have been part of this. Yet I hope you all would try not to liken this peice to Watchtower jibberish about "not knowing the day nor the hour" and other such repulsive phrases we were all forced to listen to for so many years. We should not sink to their pathetic word games of keeping their members in constant suspension. If the info from Dateline became public knowledge on the internet, it would not do justice to what they hope to accomplish. Those working with them have been asked not to share the details with others until it airs. I think this is reasonable since we all know that the WT Organizatin would love to find out as much as possible. Let's keep them guessing rather than give it away on this thread.
Wolves in the Courtroom
by ARoarer inhi silentlambs, i just wanted to tell you that my heart will be with you and those who are going to the trial to give support to the ones who where harmed by the pedophile and his "wolfpack" supporters taking the lead over the ones calling the victim "whore" and "slut".
i think it is disgusting how these "earthly representatives of christ" can have the "implied permission" of the watchtower org.
while they harass and intimidate these victims in the name of thier watchtower "god".
Hi Silentlambs, I just wanted to tell you that my heart will be with you and those who are going to the trial to give support to the ones who where harmed by the pedophile and his "Wolfpack" supporters taking the lead over the ones calling the victim "whore" and "slut". I think it is disgusting how these "earthly representatives of Christ" can have the "implied permission" of the Watchtower Org. while they harass and intimidate these victims in the name of thier Watchtower "god". It was very much the same in the courtroom during the trial in our situation. Elders purjured themselves on the stand in behalf of the pedophile and his supporting family members. The victims were called lyers, mentally unbalanced, demonic, and every other vile names. My prayers are with you and all those with you in support of this brave girl and her family. I wish we could be there with her. I know what she is going through. It was horrible in our case to see elders sitting next to the pedophile on the opposite side of the courtroom away from the victims in our case. We will be away during the week you are at the trial, but we will be there in spirit.
Isn't it great having grandchildren?..............
by ozziepost in......knowing you can give them back!.
and leave them in the capable hands of loving parents, leave the big smoke behind to arrive in your peaceful highlands home.
ah bliss!.
"isn't it great to have grandchildren...." I guess from my children's grandfather's point of view, since he is a pedophile who molested not only his own grandchildren, but countless other's grandchildren in his circuit. Guess what, he still goes house to house and door to door, while watching for how many more. Sorry Ozzie, it just triggered me reading your post, some painful memories of what my children's grandfather has done and is still treated kindly while his victims are diminished in Watchtowers eyes.
144 thousand
by jody inhey i need help.
i am stuck trying to explain when the 144 thousand without any refference material.
i am stuck in a remote lacal debating a couple of things and this topice came up.
Always learning, but never coming to an accurate knowledge. Sound familiar????