JoinedTopics Started by artful
Mar 3/03 Book Study - Intellectual dishonesty, or outright lie?
by artful inhowever, while reading through the wts book study information for the week of march 3/2003, i came across a historical claim regarding the wts and its announcing of 1914 as the year of christs' presence in kingly power.
answer (according to the information given in paragraph 14): jehovah has become king since christ's kingly presence began in 1914. the cry that god (via christ) had become king in 1914 has been announced to mankind by the watch tower society since 1919.
*** the watchtower, march 1, 1923, p. 67 ***.
Are the "Other Sheep" heirs to the Kingdom?
by artful inthe watchtower of february 15, 2003 page 19, paragraph 6 under the heading "attending as respectful observers" states:.
"should those now doing good to the remnant of the 144,000 brothers of christ partake of the lord's evening meal?
according to the wts, the "other sheep" are not joint heirs.
WT Contradiction - Are the other sheep sons of God?
by artful inmany are familiar with the countless flip flops and contradictions that can be found in the wt publications of the past (for numerous examples of this see
however, in reading through the jan 15 and feb 15 wt study articles i believe i have found a "modern day" example of a wts contradictory statement.
it pertains to the status of the "other sheep" as sons of god.. __________.
"Bible Students" and 1919
by artful ina have a couple of questions pertaining to the wtbts and "bible students" from 1914-1919 and onward that i would appreciate receiving your feedback on:.
1. does anyone know how many "bible students" (jehovah's witnesses) there were in 1919?
i know that wtbts keeps such meticulous records of their "flock" now, but i have no access to material that covers that time period.
Paradise: in Heaven or on Earth?
by artful inthe term "paradise earth" is one frequently used by the wts.
while researching the scriptural references to "paradise" (and the official wts explanation for each), i was surprised with what i found regarding the location of paradise.
these are the only three places that the word "paradise" can be found in the bible.. .
Old Testament Faithful in Heaven?
by artful inthe wts doctrine that the faithful men and women of old would have no place in heaven in god's kingdom has never really sat right with me.
i did some scriptural research on it and thought i would share it .
any comments would be appreciated.
144,000 and Rulership
by artful inwhile investigating the wts concept of "two classes of christians" - the first being a heavenly ruling class made up of the 144,000, and the second an earthly subject class - i decided to investigate the basic wts premise that all of the 144,000 are to be "rulers with christ".
those who would rule with christ - the "first resurrection".
although it could be theorized that if paul said that the "saints" or "holy ones" are to judge the world, and these are part of the "firstfruits" then the some of the 144,000 may be ruling with christ.
JW's and the YMCA
by artful inmy father and mother (both loyal jws and in their 70s) have recently joined a local ymca for it's fitness facility.
it seems to me that the wts does not look favorably on this organization, possibly to the point of prohibiting jws from joining it.
i have searched for information online but to no avail.
I didn't go!
by artful inwell, for the first time in 30 years i didn't go to the memorial.. it's actually a given me a great sense of relief!.
i hope that this is beginning of a long and happy relationship with god!
up until this past year i wasn't even sure if he existed.
New WTS Ministry Textbook
by artful ingreetings.. since this is my first post to this board, i would like to submit some interesting information from a new watchtower society (wts) ministry textbook.
this new publication is to replace the existing "school guidebook" and is to be used by all jws starting in 2003. .
please excuse me if this information has already been posted elsewhere on the board but i think that an interesting discussion is to be had here.