JoinedTopics Started by findingme
JW related movie titles
by Markfromcali ini think there was a thread on this at some point but search is not working, wouldn't know the keywords anyway.. but like i just thought of escape from brooklyn bethel - instead of escape from new york.. it would be cool if someone can write little blurbs for these too.
anyone have/remember others?
mmnnnnn ... who makes you just "melt"
by Simon in.
for an oldie i'd pick audrey hepburn singing moon river ... mmnnnn, i never get tired of that.. currently i'm listening to norah jones an aweful lot.
she is very easy on the ears and is my "audible-heaven" right now.. so who's voice makes you 'melt' ?
Things you wouldn't hear or do at the Meeting for Field Service
by findingme inremember getting out of bed saturday morning, silently cussing to yourself because you really had no desire to go out in service?
especially on a saturday, when you would prefer to sleep in or just bum around?
or even go to a yard sale?
Name some silly things you couldn't do as a witness
by sweet tee input your hand on your hips.
switch when you walk.
do popular dances where you shake yo money maker.
Metaphors used in essays in exams
by Dansk inthe following is a list of "metaphors" used by children in an exam .
she walked into my office like a centipede with 98 missing legs.. .
his thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like.
Escape from this room - Even harder than the first
by misspeaches inseeming it was such fun solving that puzzle try your hand at this one . .
(again i don't know how to post it as a link so try copy and paste into a web browser) .
Can you escape this room - A puzzle its fun
by misspeaches inthere are less than 4000 people in the world who can escape this house.;p/youxi/images/04042203.swf .
there are 13 items hidden in this room in order to let you get out of this room.
insurance claims
by findingme inthe following are reputed to be actual statements found on insurance claim forms where car drivers attempted to summarize the details of an accident in the fewest possible words.
the instances of faulty writing serve to confirm that even incompetent writing may be highly entertaining.
coming home i drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree i don't have.
Elders Won't Let Elderly Sister Stay In The Bathroom
by minimus inevidently, according to my mother, her friend has all sorts of perfume allergies and has been attending meetings in the ladies room with a door open so as to hear the vital spiritual information.
anyway, the elders told her she could no longer sit in the stall.
now she's depressed and doesn't know what to do.