JoinedTopics Started by findingme
Things you wouldn't hear or do at the Meeting for Field Service
by findingme inremember getting out of bed saturday morning, silently cussing to yourself because you really had no desire to go out in service?
especially on a saturday, when you would prefer to sleep in or just bum around?
or even go to a yard sale?
insurance claims
by findingme inthe following are reputed to be actual statements found on insurance claim forms where car drivers attempted to summarize the details of an accident in the fewest possible words.
the instances of faulty writing serve to confirm that even incompetent writing may be highly entertaining.
coming home i drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree i don't have.
I finally went to CHURCH----and didn't feel guilty!
by findingme ini've was df'd over 6 years ago after spending all of my life a jw.
i remember thinking i could never step foot in a church out of guilt or fear.
however, i am feeling a loss of some kind of christian fellowship....i think i read a few other posts regarding this need for some of you.. i knew i would not go back to a kh, either.
Everyone, please welcome "Jane Eyre" to the site...
by findingme inthis site has helped me a great deal, so i share my enthusiasm with others who were not aware of this site.
one such person is very close to me, and she is with us now:.
allow me to introdroduce..... jane eyre!.
I'm attracted to Minimus
by findingme inis it just me, or are there others who find the mystery behind the shades and red uniform irresistable?
Qualities to look for in a marriage mate? Let's get real...
by findingme indoodle-v's thread regarding our own ypa questions got me thinking about this.
recall when we were past the "bloom of youth", and we could start the dating process (with only the possibility of marriage in mind, of course).
i was reminded again and again to look for that brother who possessed "spiritual qualities", ie, who could take the lead, had the goal of becoming a pioneer, or already was a pioneeer, etc.
Think about it...we are special
by findingme inwhen we were an active jw, we thought we were special, right?
we felt we had the holy spirit, truth, and the priviledge of preaching.
we drew a lot of attention from others because we were...different (special, unique, whatever).
ladies....your dream guy is described
by findingme inthis letter is being widely circulated.
written by a caring and concerned .
husband, it expresses so beautifully his observations of changes in his .