Instead of this view of the subconscious communicating to the conscious, which is just a model after all, what if you simplified it as just stuff that's conscious and stuff that's not? That's not so sophisticated sounding, but it just might make more sense.
We buy into these models of consciousness and the mind, but I say to you when you do so that itself becomes an unconscious thing, because you take that model as a given and try to fit your experience in there.
What do you get when you are just directly experiencing, without these conceptual filters to interpret your experiences? Just an honest look, not looking for anything, but just looking to see what's there. No choosing from a list of possibilities you consider as likely, but not pushing anything away either. See it's a very natural process, so simple that anyone can do it without being told how or what to do, without believing in any way of thinking about it. It's also without outside influence in a sense, you are the only one that's doing it.
This would be using the power of your own mind, as opposed to using or being used by ideas - which will only limit that power. Those ideas can be useful, but it's one thing to use it for everyday things, it's another to use ideas to control your mind. Ideas come from a living, dynamic mind, not the other way around. Don't let your mind be used by ideas, even if they are reasonable ones as opposed to cult mentality. Some people seem content to be used by 'good' ideas, and to each his own, but I just don't see why you'd want to. If you are more concerned with what's really going on, then you'd want to be conscious, and fancy models of mind is just a sophisticated way of going unconscious. It doesn't mean there's not an amount of relative truth to them, but seeing the truth in those models comes from the power of your consciousness - after all where did those models come from? Someone's mind!