Excellent post, TD.
I just read A Wrinkle a few months ago, and had this nagging familiarity. I just couldn't place it, though. Your thoughts on it are really insightful and I thank you for them.
What is the history of the author, do you know?
I read the Narnian Chronicles when I was in grade school and was completely blown away when I put together the biblical parallels. Of course, in this matter I have the JW to thank for my early bible teaching. To this day, that series is the first one out of my mouth when asked what is my favorite book. Once I found out, later in life, about C.S. Lewis, I was a little worried that I'd crossed over into that "grey area" of allowable JW reading. But pushed that firmly aside, so as not to spoil my emotional image of the books.
On another note:
I have an interesting experience. Of course growing up I was highly discouraged from reading anything with magic and sorcery etc. My grandparents raised me and I'll never forget Grams saying "Be especially careful with things like J.R.R Tolkien books, and anything with magic. If you show interest in the demons, they'll show interest in you." I guess this scared the snot out of me ( I woulda been a sophmore in H.S.) because I didn't really know what the Hobbit, or Lord of the Rings was about, but seeing the books in the library made me feel like I was in the occult section.
Fast forward 6 years and its 1999. I had been out of JW for 3 years, and my new mother-in-law gave me a book store gift card. I was wandering through my favorite section and came across LOTR. It again made my stomach jump. But I stared at it for probably two minutes. I picked it up and read the back. It sounded beautiful. I was nervous, but anxious to get it home. I read all three books in a week's time. To think that those words from my dear Grams would have affected my thinking process so deeply, and may have kept me from reading one of (personal opinion here) the most beatifully written and poetic epics of all time.
<This all came about before I knew about the movies. They were a wonderful bonus and I was thrilled with their outcome. By the way.>
Also, were those other books mentioned in an earlier post from the same author? (I'm sorry, I forgot who recommended them...)