Greetings Mulan,
Nice to hear that the visit from your company did not end up like fish, after a couple days, it smells.
we have had company (ex jw's) from england, for six days and they left early this morning to go home.. it was a great week.
they met our entire family, we went camping, a day trip to the san juan islands, and it was so much fun.
it was like a six day party.. and...........except for some funny stories about conventions in the 60's, we didn't even talk about having been jw's.
Greetings Mulan,
Nice to hear that the visit from your company did not end up like fish, after a couple days, it smells.
when it finally registered that you did not really have the "truth" after all, what went thru your mind?
when things "clicked", what was your emotional state and what did you about it?.
Describe Your Feelings When You KNEW It Wasn't The "Truth" After All
Why those goddamn pukes!
to get ahead, did you get do more during the circuit overser's visit to make an impression?
did you cook him a meal or take him out dining??
did you auxillary pioneer when he came by?
After all these years I still can't get rid of the skid marks left on my nose by the kissing up to the pompous asses. Any advice?
Greetings garybuss,
Just like Alan Jackson sings. "You're Right On The Money". Nothing new there.
i posted this explanation on my old buddy outlaws thread, barbara read it, sent me a pm, and asked me to post this all over the internet because she wanted people to know why she produced the cd.
ya,.. sure barb, like little bit of flattery will get me to become a cut and paste monkey..again.
not this time you evil breaker of watchtower balls.
Greetings Dave,
As usual, so well put.
barbara anderson has just released a new book on cd that contains some 5000 pages of public court records from the nine lawsuits involving 16 victims that the wts settled secretly in may of this year, plus documents from two other cases the society settled in 2000 and 2006.. .
its called secrets of pedophilia in an american religion: jehovahs witnesses in crisis.. .
the book, and more info from barbara about it, is available here:.
Thank You Barbara A. & Seeker4. This is gigantic. I'll be ordering mine today.
it's been a long time since i posted here but i often read your messages when ian (dansk) logs on.
as most of you will know, ian will be going back into hospital on monday for an allogeneic stem cell transplant and will be away from the forum for a good few weeks (hopefully he'll be back home within 4-6 weeks).
last time he was in hospital many of you sent messages to his ward and i know they cheered him up immensely.
Godspeed to you Ian.
i have a family of 4. each of us have very different likes and dislikes.
my husband and youngest daughter are vehemently opposed to tomatos or tomato products.
spaghetti sauce is completely out of the picture.
Greetings BlackSwan,
Tell 'em it's your way or the highway, or, are you running a restaurant there? I'd tell them in no uncertain terms to fend for themselves.
Great illustration IP - SEC
today was rather a beautifully balmy hot summers day in the uk and i decided to take the babies to the park with a non jw friend of mine (let's call her y).
as i arrived in the park i caught sight of my best jw friend (let's call her x), one of the many who has decided she wants nothing more to do with me or my family.
i went to meet up with y and x walked straight past me with a quick flick round , obviously to check my babies out!
Greetings Sweet Pea,
Remember too, that she's pissed, in that she has to still to go to the (yawn) boring-ass meetings. And there you are, living, breathing, enjoying a wonderful stroll in the park with your little babies. You aren't supposed to be able to do that. Damn it you don't go to meetings. What gives you the right to be breathing? It's exactly like you said, a case of C.D.
Kudos to you, and your little babies
please help me in understanding this.
my husband's friend and neighbor is also a former jw.
he was never baptized, but was raised in it.
Greetings Irish Rose,
Three words. Massive brain fart.