It's spearheaded by knuckleheads
my biggest reason: the religion is stupid.
plain and simple.
It's spearheaded by knuckleheads
talked with my witness mom, 80 years old this morning - and apparently she is pretty stoked up about the bs my ex- bethel brother ( a cloned elder of 35 years ) said to her about all the changes at bethel going on.
obviously he still has inside ties at bethel.
to avoid being redundant ( as i know most of you have heard some of this stuff ), my mom explained to me that my brother told her , " they are selling off most of the buildings in brooklyn as in the next 3 years they plan to move the entire operation to patterson and upstate new york.
Hopefully, watchtower won't come up with some new rule like having to literally kiss an "elders" tush before they can be seated at the KH.
shocker at the group last week..... i was at the group last week (1st in about 4 weeks) and the conductor (the p.o.
) takes a sister aside and tells her that she was not allowed to breastfeed her baby before or after the book study because "someone" found it awkward.. hmm, i wonder if it was him that found it awkward.. anyway the twist in the story is that the group meets at her house.
the sisters husband was far from happy but is to reserved to do anything about it.
He (the 'elder') found it "awkward" because of the difficulty he must have had, trying to sit there distributing watchtower drivel with a boner in his high crotched dress pants. Man those pigs are sick.
anyone else have to deal with being herded to the front of the hall before a meeting?.
i recall one cong in particular...west sacramento was notorious for this crap.
i was a large individual and today i am even 6'2" and around 250 lbs back then.
For Circuit Assemblies ™ we were assigned to J.W. Assembly Hall in Montreal. Inasmuch as it was a darling of a building, it had a large number of empty seats, there were sections of seating that were roped off so as to force us to sit down towards the front. So we sure not to miss one word of "spiritual food". That goaded my ass big time.
i'm one of a million kids... my parents used to sit on each end of the row.
when i was little my brother raised his hand but didn't want to answer.
so i grabbed the microphone out of his hand and screaming in it.
Greetings Cognac,
You little miscreant!. Give me that mike right now.
once upon a time, there was a vast empire that was born of out events around 1914. it demanded that its youth become "pioneers".. it grew rapidly and published endless statistics of growth.
it attracted an ever-growing number of desperate people in the 3rd world.. however, what no one seemed to notice, amidst all the evidence of its growing might, was that its empire was a money losing proposition.
and that it made endless numbers of enemies thru its aggression.
Another Great post Met. It sounds logical, and well thought out. Let's hope it happens.
while viewing the magnificent blood moon that preceded the full eclipse, i uttered this prayer [as close as i recall];.
father, whose name i know not to be jehovah, nor allah, indeed whose name i know not - i am humbled.
i observe these millions of stars and planets as these gems peek through mighty pines, and i know but one thing - my planet, my universe is a thing of beauty, and i must ascribe that beauty to someone greater than chance.
Amen AK - Jeff
hey everybody, my mom's onboard now.
she joined a month ago and just now told me, the ol' broad.
i'm so happy i could cry!!!
Greetings Crapola,
Cool username for sure! Try not to take any from the watchtower cesspool.
how many of you have managed to get your jw friends and family to see that it's not "the truth"?
Except for my wife & three boys, Zilch. The rest can go to gehenna ™ . I don't give a rats ass if they ever leave.
my daughter goes to a school where one of the office personel is a jw.
my hubby is df'd i haven't been to a meeting in 3 years.
when we go into the office and have to talk to her she directs all of her responses to me even if my husband is the one that asked the question.. once my husband went in there with my daughter and this person didn't direct her answers to my husband who asked the question, but to my daughter who was just tagging along.. this is stupid.
She's got humongous testicles to be audacious enough, to do that at her work. I'd make the biggest stink I could come up with to the school admins. You're crazy to let her get away with that bullshit. I'd file every conceivable formal complaint against her that's available. Stupid ass dubs!