Thanks for the info, moe. I'll keep it it mind if I ever have a dream about a tiger.
i had the strangest dream last night.
there was a wedding and some of my family was at it.
afterward we were outside and there was a ufo in the night sky, a long skinny one like the one in the news a few weeks ago.
Thanks for the info, moe. I'll keep it it mind if I ever have a dream about a tiger.
i got this in email this morning.
it's great to finally see how it really began .
how the internet began.
That was quite a revelation Dakota. Like Xena I too thought that Al Gore invented the internet.
was watching a new tv show called "do over" where a grown man goes back in time and is a high school student again, with all of his adult knowledge.
the premise has often come to my mind.
what would i have done if i knew then what i know now?
Hi Joe,
I've attended a few JW meetings when traveling out of state. In fact a couple of months ago I attended a KH with a friend and we had a fun time. I dressed conservatively with a flag pin in my lapel and used mainstream religious terms when asking them questions about their meeting. They had no idea that we were both ex-JWs. I am sure that the JWs who talked so long with us were counting time for their effort. It was hard to tell if some of the questions that we asked caused any of them to think. Anyway it was fun.
i am pretty darn happy, i got the book for $13aud which is about $6.50 in usd, so i am looking forward to getting it and having a read.
i talked to my mum about it today and she is interested in having a look too.
(she is still in, but largely inactive) i know many here have read it, is it worth the look?
Hi Outback,
COC is a great book. First read it in the spring of 1984. Was out by September of that year. There is no way a JW can read this book and honestly stay in the Watch Tower. You may also want to read Jim Penton's Apocalypse Delayed.
as i stood at my kitchen window, i could see them walking by the front of my house.
are they going to make that turn and start the small climb up the driveway?
Hi Beautiful,
Looks like the JWs haven't really changed that much in 20 years. I remember a CO counseling a JW because he told the householder "we're JWs" before going into his presenation. The CO said we might want to introduce ourselves as JWs if we were working in Mormon territory. The reason, to put the Mormon householder at ease because they might mistake us for Mormon missionaries and try to hide the coffee. So we were told to say we were Bible Students, or Ministers, anything to disguise who we really were. Which was rather silly since everybody knew who we were to begin with.
well, it is 32 minutes into my second year of posting here.
when i came here, i knew nothing of h2o, kent's place or freeminds site, though i did get his newsletter.
when i came here, i certainly did know the jw experience.
Happy anniversary, Larc. Appreciate you posts, keep up the good work.
i'm at work, which explains why i'm sitting at this ere pc doin nuthin!
how many exjws have you met since leaving the wt?.
i've met about 75-90 in england, and roughly 500 all together...and then there's a few i've corresponded with who i havent met.
Since leaving the Watch Tower in 1984 I have met hundreds of exJWs at seminars and pot lucks. However, from this board Robdar is the only exJW who I have met. She is a great lady and I want to wish her good health and a speedy recovery from her recent surgery.
'religion' after the witnesses?
is it possible?
any comments?
For myself the answer is yes. I was confirmed in the Episcopal Church in 1991 and have found that it satisfied my spritual needs. Nevertheless, we each have to find our own way. What works for one may not work for another. But whatever path we choose it should lead us away from the Watch Tower.
just curious how many people have been the driver in a car/motorcycle accident.
i've been driving for 12 years now and have up and down the east coast numerous times, across country and up and down the west coast numerous times.
plus my commute to work for the past 2 years is 95 miles round trip.
Yes, 30 years ago was almost killed in one.
my surgery is over and i am home.
the doctor said that she has never seen anybody recover as quickly as i am.
i am sure that all your prayers and well wishes are the reason why i am doing so well.
Our prayers were answered and you and OK. Welcome back.