Maybe the Watchtower should try this next year:
Wasn't it wonderful to learn at the 2009 Divine Illusion District Assemblies that all baptised JWs are now invited to partake of the emblems at the Memorial. To serve the needs of our brothers for the 2010 Memorial, the Society will make available special Watchtower Wine from Kingdom Farms; where each step of the winemaking process is supervised by a member of your Governing Body. The final product is blessed with a special prayer by our beloved Brother Jaracz. Watchtower Wine will be made available for a donation of $100.00 per two litre bottle. We suggest 10 bottles per 100 partakers.
Now some may reason that this expensive for red wine, but many brothers think nothing of spending $75.00 for a 3/4 litre bottle of French Champagne. Moreover, Watchtower wine is the only wine available that is blessed by your Governing Body. With this wonderful provision from Jehovah now available to all congregations of God's people, it would be improper to serve wine from worldly sources. Therefore, begining in January, each body of elders will need to ascertain the needs of their congregations and order accordingly.
Watchtower Matzos are also required for the Memorial. As with Watchtower Wine, every process of Matzo preparation and baking is closely supervised by a member of your Governing Body. Watchtower Matzos will be sent to your congregation for a $10.00 donation per box of 12. We suggest 10 boxes per 100 partakers.