Hi Hilda,
Thanks for being so prompt in replying to my questions. I take it that the Watch Tower has a CD that has the comments on Hans Kung. Where would I get this CD? Can it be ordered from the Watch Tower site?
Regarding your mystic beliefs, have you read any of Charles T. Russell's works, especially his 1886 book THE DIVINE PLAN OF THE AGES and his later (1889) THY KINGDOM COME? Though the present Watch Tower management has let all of Russell's works go out of print, his books can still be obtained from several small publishing houses. If you are interested, Amazon.com probably has them in stock.
Though Russell founded the Watch Tower publishing house, on his death it was taken over by Joseph F. Rutherford, an unsuccessful Populist-Democrat politician/attorney. Rutherford had a political agenda which is why he banished most of Russell's teachings. Rutherford scorned democracy because of his failed attempts to achieve public office in Missouri. That is why he turned the Watch Tower organization into a virtual dictatorship with him in the leadership role. This organizational structure is still in place over the Jehovah's Witnesses and is the main reason why the pedephile problem has become such a prominent issue.
I am sure that you agree that child molestation is a problem in all organizations, religious and secular. But the real issue is how it is dealth with by the leadership. Several decades back my Church had a problem similar to the one currently facing your church. But the General Convention made up of clergy and lay-delegates from all the parrishes in the country put in place a policy of no tolerance for child molestation. Your church should do the same. Have your clergy and lay-representatives meet in General Convention to iron out these problems. Let the discussion be open and free so that the those most affected, the victims, have a chance to voice their concerns. You can find the Scriptural precedent in the first Jerusalem Council, discussed in the ACTS OF THE APOSTLES, by St. Luke.
I hope these suggestions have been helpful to you, and I trust that you will take these issues up with your local Jehovah's Witness clergy and the National leadership. Perhaps you will be instrumental in reforming the Jehovah's Witness Church and bring it back to a Scriptural mooring.