OK how could I forgot; I wear the hat of loving auntie. Though my JW niece and nephew don't know it, I live and pray for the day their eyes are awakened to the real 'truth'; I only wish I could tell them about this websiite, I guess I could if I could find the way to do it!
JoinedPosts by AuntieJane
How many Hats Do You Wear?
by Golf inok, no literal hats please.
i'm into business, sports, politics, inventions, builder, i'm a planner organizer and co-ordinator.
i love work, it hasn't killed me yet.
How many Hats Do You Wear?
by Golf inok, no literal hats please.
i'm into business, sports, politics, inventions, builder, i'm a planner organizer and co-ordinator.
i love work, it hasn't killed me yet.
LoL Elsewhere, I needed a laugh, that is a good response!
I wear too many hats, but am glad for most of them:
Wife, Mother (3 adult kids), Grand-Ma to my Grand-Pets; Public Servant (government job that I love)
Volunteer (Arts Promotion and my church); Song Leader at Church; Red Hat Lady, although I don't
go to "meetings", I am proud to be a member!;
by stillAwitness inkingdom ministry for october under: how can we help?
..."when donations are earmarked specifically for a certain disasters, it is necessary in some countries to use such funds only for the purpose specified by the donor and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of out brothers have been cared for locally or not.
(is this true and if so, isn't that the whole point of donating to natural disaster victims?
It defies explanation. Give to the American Red Cross. Hypocrites!
UPDATE: My sister Robin
by Lady Lee ini just got back from montreal.
i was there a bit longer than expected this time.. my granddaughter was christened megan elizabeth on saturday.
after the service and the dinner i met with my two daughters to talk about my sister and her recent death.. my brother in toronto was holding a similar opportunity in toronto for some of her friends.. i read the post i made at my sister robin rip mar.
Lee, I read your story earlier, and I am so sorry for your pain at the loss of your little sis. Treasure those few good memories and know that she is at peace.
Prayers and Support Please
by AuntieJane inhi all, i don't post very much.
but i am so worried that i might lose my sister.
she was recently diagnosed with a very rare neuroendocrine cancer, it has invaded her liver, pancreas and probably a vertebrae.
Hi all, I don't post very much. But I am so worried that I might lose my sister. She was recently diagnosed with a very rare neuroendocrine cancer, it has invaded her liver, pancreas and probably a vertebrae. She has been so healthy til now, I was the colon cancer survivor, and now this! I organized our first ever Sista's 4-Ever gathering last summer, can you believe it? I wanted us all together w/no kids or spouses. Now, who would have known? We had a great time and beautiful memories. Anyway, please keep her in your prayers esp on Tuesday when she'll finally meet with a specialist. And keep outoftheorg's wife Donna in your prayers, she is going through cancer treatment too. Thanks and have a Blessed Thanksgiving.
New here - question about roommate getting baptized
by oppgirl63 ini've been lurking on different ex-jw boards for a few years now and this is my first post to this board.. .
i am a 42 yr old gay female who has a roommate who is studying to be baptized.
we are not romantically involved.
If you are such close friends, have you expressed other concerns to her about this cult? Asked her to
attend another church with you to get a feel for other viewpoints? There are many churches who accept
gays openly, this would seem something you could ask her to do. You've been glad to take her to her
kh, ask her to accompany you to a church this Sunday, just for the 'experience'. I would never be able
to let a friend get involved in this mind-twisted cult. I would speak up and risk my friendship.
Question regarding my nephew
by caz ini'm the aunty of 3 the boys i wrote about a few weeks ago who had lost their jw father to suicide.
my (16 year old) nephew has come to live with me and he has been brought up as a jw all of his life, although not baptised yet.
he hasn't made one mention of them or meetings at all since his father's death, ( 4 weeks ago) other than to tell me he was very disappointed in the lack of support shown his dad by the elders of his congregation during his lowest moments of depression and to the boys since.
Caz, what a good thing that your nephew has you for his aunt. May I suggest something that worked for me in a
similar situation? A young 16 yoa friend whose mom left the JW's 5yrs ago has kind of taken to me as her
"auntie". She proudly came to me last yr telling me she was going to the KH and starting a Bible Study. I knew she
had no kind of religious training other than this, but I also knew she was really glad when her Mom got out.
So I asked her what they were teaching, ( the Daniel stuff,) and then I asked her if they were teaching her about
Jesus. She said, not really. I went out and bought her a teen bible at Walmart, a really cool study bible...I told her
to look up and read things on her own, but to esp read John 1:1, and compare it to her NWT. She was very surprised.
I didn't say much, just gave her a hug (your nephew needs these!)...and told her that I would be glad to help her read through
anything at anytime. I did tell her that sometimes we need to compare, take our time, when following organizations that
want us to read their materials. If she wants to be a Christian and follow Christ, she can use a Bible from Walmart, or
any other place and compare them and find that they are all in unison, even though a bit different wording, they have the same meaning. All I know now is that she is happy, and not attending the KH. SOMETIMES we are "afraid" to approach people on this, but if we don't, we can be sure the JW's will, and I truly believe it is up to us who know the real 'truth' about "the truth"...to speak to these people, esp the kids.
Methinks Robin is a baited bird for us....playing games, defd?
Small Bowel Cancer --- Help!
by AlwaysSeeking ini have a dear friend who was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the duodenum or small bowel cancer.
it is an extremely rare form of cancer and, as i understand it, not much is known about treating it.
my friend has met with one doctor and is scheduled for a 2nd opinion this week.
Just going through the same thing w. my sis, who has a rare form, neurendocrine of the liver
and possibly pancreas. At first thought to be pancreatic cancer. Nothing good about either one.
I wish your friend the best; I would say research, get online, find message boards...she found only 3
hospitals in US who have specialists in hers and is getting scheduled with one of them.
I hate this disease; I will keep your friend in my prayers.
Auntie Jane, colon cancer survivor 4 years.
by stillAwitness inmeetings are dragging me down.
it sucks because i still live at home and have no choice but it has gotten to the point where i have left early at times just because i cannot stand to hear all the b.s from the platform.
how do i just keep doing what i have to do till i know i can leave?
Still, you are going through some tough awakenings. Life sucks sometimes. But then there is sunshine. Can I suggest something that works for me when I'm down...before you give up on God? Find a dark, comforting room, light a candle and meditate. Even go online and find a soothing scripture/prayer to read over...just a thank you to God for all you have, ask him to give you the strength you need to find your way. Block other thoughts, sounds, etc. out of your head.
Just take some deep breaths and take your time alone, and do it again the next day and the next. You've already gotten lots of other good ideas here.
Hope this helps and you don't think I'm too much of a crazy ol' auntie,