Ah, yes. I remember those days. You always had to enter Elsewhere's house with trepidation and a healthy respect for preteen boys. I don't quite remember, did you have anything to do with your older sister's broken leg?
JoinedPosts by pennycandy
Deadly toys
by Elsewhere inwhatever happened to to good-ol-days when you had to pay attention to where you threw your lawn darts so that you wouldn't kill anyone?.
when i was in first grade my family had a set of lawn darts... not the plastic kind... the kind with the heavy steel spike prodruding from the tip.
i loved to go outside and play with them.
Who was told that the New order would be here before......................
by avishai inthey finished high school?
etc and what year were you told?.
When I was a baby in the 60's, my aunt bought me a set of monogramed pencils for school. My mother said, "How silly. She'll never go to school!"
That reminds me, my 20 year reunion should be coming up soon . . .
Did You Ever Enjoy Going To Assemblies and Conventions??
by minimus inevery january, they read the letter as to where you'll be "assigned" for the convention and then the our kingdom ministry will detail all the do's and don'ts to remember.
was going to these things ever enjoyable to you?
Are you kidding? They were the greatest. The fruit bags, the pudding, the large assortment of cute boys, getting new dresses, getting to sit with a friend and giggle all during the session, seeing old friends, the drama of the drama. We lived for it.
Of course now it pales in comparison to an afternoon spent on the computer, but at the time it was as good as life got.
Were You On The Same Wave Length As The Others In The Hall???
by minimus incan you get in trouble for playing chess, having a very large gathering, going to a pg13 movie, etc.??????
so many answers amounted to this----as the answer-----"you just know better, that's all".
"mature ones" just "knew" without asking whether something was right or wrong, doable or not.
No, but to be honest I felt the same way at school.
The only comment I ever remember my father giving at a meeting was studying the Family book. Answering on how to care for and nurture your family, my father said you should neuter your children.
My mom gets tears in her eyes to this day remembering that comment. It was funnier because he didn't realize his mistake.
JW DF'd for Eating Candy Cane
by blondie innews
jehovah's witness accidentally eats candy cane .
above: kimberly flemmel mourns her excommunication from the jehovah's witness congregation after eating a candy cane .
I think she should have already been disfellowshipped for wearing that black nail polish.
maybe repost... cant find original...
by myvalk inhas anyone who left the "truth" felt like i do... that you cant approach god anymore?
you have a pm.
Research on the validity of 1914
by Bluegrass Tom inhere are a few facts that i have recently discovered by doing some research.. the watchtower society uses the date of 539 b.c.e as the date that cyrus took over babylon.
they use the term "absolute date" to define this as an unquestionable point in time.
to do this they had to ignore 586 b.c.e which is the real date for the destruction of jerusalem.. therefore, if jerusalem never lay desolate for 70 years, when does this desolation and fulfillment of this prophecy take place?
Scholar said, "586, 587 and 607 are derived or calcuable dates and are not based on any existing, direct secular evidence."
Below is a list of direct secular evidence that points to 586/587 BCE as the date for the overthrow of Jerusalem.
Neo-Babylonian Chronicles, the Uruk kinglist, the Royal Canon, Nabon. No. 18 and Nabon. No. 8 (the Hillah stele), Nabon. H 1, B (the Adad-guppi' stele), many legal documents from each year of the Neo-Babylonian period, lunar eclipse tablet LBAT 1417, lunar eclipse tablet LBAT 1419, lunar eclipse tablet LBAT 1420, lunar eclipse tablet LBAT 1421, astronomical diary VAT 4956, astronomical diary B.M. 32312, Saturn tablet B.M. 76738+76813.
These are a FEW of the items that are accepted by experts in the field as direct evidence of 586/587 as the date for the overthrow of Jerusalem, and are considered to prove that date as absolute.
I think this is an example of the kind of evidence people on this forum are looking for when they ask you for proof of the 607 date.
Research on the validity of 1914
by Bluegrass Tom inhere are a few facts that i have recently discovered by doing some research.. the watchtower society uses the date of 539 b.c.e as the date that cyrus took over babylon.
they use the term "absolute date" to define this as an unquestionable point in time.
to do this they had to ignore 586 b.c.e which is the real date for the destruction of jerusalem.. therefore, if jerusalem never lay desolate for 70 years, when does this desolation and fulfillment of this prophecy take place?
I hope no one minds an uneducated female sticking her nose in here, but looking into this topic was what initiated my leaving the witnesses.
The secular establishment of the 539 BCE date has nothing to do with the secular establishment of the 607 date. One can only arrive at the 607 date by applying the Watchtower's unique interpretation of scripture.
There are, however, thousands of pieces of evidence, legal documents, astronomical diaries, royal succession lists, which all fit together nicely placing the date of Jerusalem's destruction at 586/587 BCE. Literally thousands, making 586/587 an absolute date. Considered with the very reasonable explanations for the 70 years, the Bible is consistent with secular history.
The pieces of evidence you gave in your above response applied to the 539 date, which isn't in question. I haven't seen any evidence given that applies to the 607 date. Actually, if I remember correctly, there is much more evidence to establish the 586/587 date than there is to establish the 539 date.
The Society itself, in the 5/15/71 Watchtower, p. 316, "Testimony of the Nabonidus Chronicle", admits the Nabonidus Chronicle of itself doesn't provide the basis for establishing the year for the fall of Babylon. It depends on other evidence to complete the puzzle, which it does. But the WT doesn't seem to mind that there is no evidence whatsoever except their own opinion to establish the 607 date.
I'm not a scolar and just have my computer and library to teach me, but that's my $.02.
After 40 years... part four
by Bryan inafter 40 years... part one http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/82158/1.ashx.
after 40 years... part two http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/82208/1.ashx.
after 40 years... part three http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/82230/1.ashx.
Great story, Bryan. How about the story of reuniting with your mother?