Great poem!
Wish they would read this, and pray on the subject
the watchtower as an icon seems to have been used by the wtbts as a tower to watch for the second coming of christ.
to watch for the things mentioned as precursors of the arrival.
over the years that has changed.
Great poem!
Wish they would read this, and pray on the subject
i never could explain why god "allowed" solomon to have a number of wives and concubines yet he never even got a reprimand!
or why birthdays are forbidden but anniverseries aren't.....what about you?
Off the main subject, bu still holds deep in my mind:
In Africa where polygamy is still practiced: When years ago the JW's wanted to enforce our western society rule on brothers there.... Listen to what
happened: There were plenty of brothers doing this, but at an assembly the announcement was made, "to stay only with your first wife and leave the rest"
I know this is wrong, but if those women were already attached to this man, is it not worst to force them to leave?
Even if these brothers had to continue to provide for these "divorcees" don't you think there are "bonds and feelings involved"? If I was one of those women
I would feeld awful, maybe even commit suicide. Who would marry me in that kind of society?
hey out there, back in the days when my wife and i was trying to have kids, we were worried and it took 1 1/2 years to conceive.. .
this latest wt or awake, (since right now i'm pissed): does nothing but bring out negative sides to every issue of fertility (or adoption) possibilities!.
i'm mad as heck!
Go get your 2005 edition of the WT society living dictionary
in view of the present hurricane season, i'm thinking about the time that i gave the above talk in november, is the note to the speaker:.
help the audience to see that:.
( 1 ) many so -- called acts of god are often caused or made worse by men.. ( 2 ) true acts of god are often ignored by men to their peril.
Tell those poor people in Naples and Sicily years ago praying with the crosses in front of them as the lava cam strolling down the slope!
Many of those ignoramus' though God was going to save them!
On another note, the WT is always blasting today's science and medical field as "Jehovah will someday fix all this, and today's blah blah blah is never going fix blah blah". But if it was not for science warning people we would have a considerable more amount of deaths from these occurrences!
I have survived Floydd years ago, they took me out of my house from the 2nd story window on a boat! Blessed be the Fire Dept + red Cross + national guard....... thank you all!
Also thanks to the local "false religion" for passing around lunches to people gutting and fixing their homes in the aftermath!
watchtower chronology suffers from weak logical links.
after all, they start with an unproven premise and begin linking and linking and linking and suddenly they produce the rabbit out of the hat.
1914 is the rabbit .
J.F. Rutherford would have done that if he could have had 30 or so more years of health
Unfortunately he finished his life drinking in Beth Sarim
i never could explain why god "allowed" solomon to have a number of wives and concubines yet he never even got a reprimand!
or why birthdays are forbidden but anniverseries aren't.....what about you?
We just learned these past weeks from the Bible reading that priests could not have sex a certain amount of time before serving "unclean"
Why don't elders today do this, since every one of their "principles" is based on the whole bible?!
i never could explain why god "allowed" solomon to have a number of wives and concubines yet he never even got a reprimand!
or why birthdays are forbidden but anniverseries aren't.....what about you?
Exodus 14:1 " Jehovah now spoke to Moses, saying: 2 "Speak to the sons of Israel, that they should turn back and encamp before Pi·ha·hi´roth between Mig´dol and the sea in view of Ba´al-ze´phon. In front of it YOU are to encamp by the sea. 3 Then Phar´aoh will certainly say respecting the sons of Israel, ?They are wandering in confusion in the land. The wilderness has closed in upon them.? 4 So I shall indeed let Phar´aoh?s heart become obstinate, and he will certainly chase after them and I shall get glory for myself by means of Phar´aoh and all his military forces; and the Egyptians will certainly know that I am Jehovah." Accordingly they did just that."
After many plagues not only did Pharoah let the Israelites go, but he gave them everything they asked for thus acknowledging Jehovah's grandior, Why did Jehovah purposely play cat and mouse to kill him?
have you ever been called before one?
were you ever on one?
what happened???
SOJ is another example of Jehovah's Witness Elders/C.O./D.O./GB double speak!
"We are guided by holy spirit"......"huh, only when we follow direction from FD&S"
SOJ: you forget Elders are supposedly appointed by Holy Spirit (I know many cases here locally that MS were practicing awful things when nominated and made elder, one of such was taken off elder within a month because when his nomination was pronounced on stage, people who knew certain things spoke up) Therefore if they are appointed by HS, any decision they make together under prayer is supposedly (WT kangaroo double speak language) made in heaven with Holy spirit
WT 7/1992 page 15 paragraph 7 " Elders acting in a judicial capacity should remember that the real Judges of each case are Jehovah and Christ Jesus. Recall what the judges in Israel were told: "It is not for man that you judge but it is for Jehovah; and he is with you in the matter of judgment. And now let the dread of Jehovah come to be upon you. . . . This is how you should do that you may not incur guilt." (2 Chronicles 19:6-10) With reverential fear, the elders judging a case should do their utmost to be sure that Jehovah is really ?with them in the matter of judgment.? Their decision should accurately reflect the way Jehovah and Christ consider the matter. What they symbolically ?bind? (find guilty) or ?loose? (find innocent) on earth should be what has already been bound or loosed in heaven?as revealed by what is written in the inspired Word of God. If they pray to Jehovah in Jesus? name, Jesus will be "in their midst" to help them. (Matthew 18:18-20, footnote; The Watchtower, February 15, 1988, page 9) The atmosphere at a judicial hearing should show that Christ is truly in their midst."
Matthew 18:18-20 "Truly I say to YOU men, Whatever things YOU may bind on earth will be things bound in heaven, and whatever things YOU may loose on earth will be things loosed in heaven. 19 Again I truly say to YOU, If two of YOU on earth agree concerning anything of importance that they should request, it will take place for them due to my Father in heaven. 20 For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst."
THIS IS WT at its best!
have you ever been called before one?
were you ever on one?
what happened???
My previous post was for JB... :-)
have you ever been called before one?
were you ever on one?
what happened???
The problem with JW's is that they take the Bible too literally.
I'm sorry for the hateful and tasteless remarks they made at you. Your child and your life are not important to them. I guess
they remember that God punished David of his sin with Beth-sheeba by making the child die.... Now if you think this was justice by
God really think about it (how did it punish David? He did not have the child in him for 9 months? Did he? He also had plenty more children to continue his bloodline?)
Jesus taught us mercy and love. JW's keep that Old Testament attitute.
They have enough balls to go house to house and when confronted about the Jehovah thing saying they are "Christian Jehovah's Witnesses" I don't
think any attitute/JC thinking comes from Jesus!
Love, and hope you feel better, the real Jesus loves you and you don't have to prove anything to your father and elders!