Topics Started by Zuko
Try to beat my score...
by JH in
all you have to do is press on the right arrow as fast as you can to gain speed....then press on the spacebar when you get just before the wall.
i made a score of 784 meters.
the creation book
by mama inwhen the tsuami, not sure if i spelled that correctly, hit and information poured in my husband made a comment i had never even thought of, the news report that he was watching had scientists on explaining how the t had actually nocked the earth off its orbital course, to which he says, " i guess they will have to throw out the creation book now", of course meaning the references in the book about how life could not exist under any circumstances other than the current orbit,etc.
well, now that the earth is rotating on a different orbit, life still exists.
p.s., i am not a scientist in any way and if i have explained this incorrectly, feel free to enlighten me.
What do you think of this? Is he nuts or not?
by Zuko inlook at this guys auction.
is he nuts or can this possibly be true.
Quit yer whining and get back to work!
by ColdRedRain in.
god damn it, it's already november and there's still no hockey!
i'm waiting for dallas to get owned by the wild again and the only place i'm going to see that is on my playstation!
Can anyone help me? Need advice ...
by Simon ini need a bit of advice as i'm at my wits end.... i've suspected that my missus may be having an affair.
you know the sort of thing.
the phone rings, i answer, someone hangs up.. recently she has started going out 'with the girls' a lot and when i ask which girls it's always "just some friends from work, you don't know them".. i always used to keep an eye out for her taxi coming home but now she always walks up to the house although i can hear a car setting off as if she has just got out of one around the corner.. the other day i picked up her mobile, just to see what time it was, and she went mental, screaming at me that i should never touch her phone again and why was i checking up on her.. anyway, i have never approached the subject with her.
by Happy Guy :) ini am in need of a favour.
i am trying to locate a copy of an article from awake october 8, 2004. page 13. entitled, "jehovah, you found me!
anyone with access to this article and the ability to scan and post it; please do.. .
How much would you say the average JW donates in $$$ ?????
by run dont walk inregarding donations, what would you say the average jw would donate in $$$ in a one year span.. some are richer then others, some have no children, some have 6 children, i imagine it would vary quite a bit.. so what would be a fair average, $1,000 / year per person ?????.
now when i say donation, i mean every dollar a person gives, this would include contribution boxes in the hall, assemblies, etc, donations for magazines, books, videos etc, every possible thing one would donate money to the watchtower for.. if $1000 a person is a fair number, then multiply it by 6,000,000.
= $ 6 billion dollars a year, nice scam watchtower.
Should I tell her...................
by vitty ini need advice.
my daughter is getting married next month, she has no idea of the extent of my husbands and my fading as she lives in another area.. the thing is she really loves this guy and will marry him come what may, but my husband thinks she should know about us before she gets married.
im worried her bf might say we cant go to the wedding or stop her seeing us after.. ive got a idea hes a bit of a hard liner, controlling!
Meat Eating Creatures? Please Don't Think About it!
by Quotes ini have thought about this myself: if jehovah's creatures are "amazingly designed", why is it that carnivores are obviously amazingly designed to kill other animals and eat their flesh (and blood, oh my!).
how does that fit the idea that all animals were (and will again become) vegetarians in the paradise(tm)?
well, the official resonse is: don't think about it!!!.
Niagra Falls
by HappyDad inok gang,.
i will try this one last time.
if you see the pictures then i did it right thanks to lady lee and the faq section.