there are many elders who do what they do because they truly believe that it is the right thing, that they are acting on behalf of God's organization
As the Nuremburg trials illustrated, doing something immoral is not justified by 'following orders' or believing in a misguided ideal. I have heard serveral elders and ex-elders state that at times they did things they felt were neither right nor just in regards to judiciary matters. But, they did what they were 'advised' to do by the Society. If individual elders were sued, regardless of their motives, then they may think twice about df'ing someone, or possibly about being elders at all.
The hard thing about suing over things like this is that the legal system views it as a 'you know the rules, either play by them or leave' situation. They assume you were aware when you became a JW what the rules were, so you must follow them. If you don't like them, then leave the org. Proving mental anguish and that type of thing is very difficult as well, so that may be difficult to sue over.
I want to see a civil suit brought by someone who was molested by a brother after someone else reported it and they were let off the hook because there weren't two witnesses. I want to see a civil suit by a JW who claims they didn't take blood based on info in the blood brochure and prove that it was misquoted and/or taken out of context and thus led to injury or death.