wow. dramas have really gone downhill. The super slow speed is so ridiculous. I always hated their exagerrated "Je HOH vah"
But I remember the very first year they did one, and the next few. They were actually quite interesting - maybe because it was something new.They had that one old guy with the strong Hebrew accent who did all the patriarch voices. Sounds like this modern "Job" is trying to imitate that. The acting always sucked, but it seemed like they at least had some compelling story lines. In my last few years they had already started downhill, but this is unbelievably bad. JarJar Binks, indeed.
It's also intersting, Gayle, what you said about drama voices turning apostate. I remember the girl of whom you speak - every year there was a role for her (along with the old Hebrew guy). One year it was the Little Isrealite girl.