Topics Started by Qcmbr
A question for bible believers...
by Qcmbr insince the bible was put together after the christian 'church' was formed, since the ot was largely superceded by the teachings of jesus and finally since the new testament was largely a series of letters to individual churches - why do we put so much credence on a set of translated scriptures written by a culture seperated from our own by 2000 years?
and as a back up to this question - if the canon of scriptures are clearly not the sole basis of the early christian church - what should the church be built on?
Mormon Conference Center - part time aircraft hanger
by Qcmbr inas part of the architectural plans of the relatively new lds conference centre they show an aeroplane for scale reference.
unless of cource they actually park that old boeing there in between conferences.... other life altering facts:.
340 toilets @ 1.6 gallons per minute flush = 544 gpm!.
Are UK JWs more faithful the US JWs?
by Qcmbr indo you find there are significant differences in religious commitment across the atlantic?
feel free to chip in if your from another country which is even more die hard / soft and slushy than the us /brits.
Are there any 'true' churches ?
by Qcmbr injust a question because of course we all either believed we were in the 'truth', are still in the 'truth' have left and found the 'truth', there is no 'truth' or that the only truth is found in the trailer park with a bottle of bud and a bunch of 'pozzies:)
So what's up with Bethel?
by Qcmbr inhaving just been through an interesting set of posts about artwork in bethel its got me intrigued.
what is bethel, how do you go there and what do you do there?
i know i could find out with a bit more research on the net but its far more fun to read posts:)
Why are JW illustrations so bad?
by Qcmbr inare all jw illustrations done by the same person?
i have always been somewhat surprised at the quality of them - i have seen children's books with more compelling and moving pictures (the enormous turnip brings tears to my eyes) - i know i'm being critical but its almost bedtime and i can't help it hehe.
Were you ever so bored witnessing that you did something fun to spice it up
by Qcmbr inwhen i was a missionary we had had a full day of door knocking and we were bored out of our skulls.we decided that since we'd been told by quite a few born agains that we were representatives of satan that.... we'd pull a couple of thorns off a rose bush and spend the next hour tracting with them stuck to our heads like little mini horns.
What did you do during school assemblies?
by Qcmbr inin my school the two jw kids sat out of assemblies and i always wondered what they got up during that time.
i always wanted to have the courage to say i had religious objections to assemblies but to be honest i just hated siting cross legged on the wooden floor for ages.
anyone experience sitting out assemblies (or whatever your school equivelant is) and what did you do?
Understanding why people leave
by Qcmbr inhi all, just thought i'd introduce myself before i make any other posts - i'm lds through and through 'nuff said.
why am i here, well i've been reading the posts here for over a year and i initially enjoyed them in a sneaky rival faction way (i.e.
one in the eye for jw's yehaw..)but of late i've been redaing these posts and using them to critique my own approach to my faith.
Are good looking ladies part of the plan?
by Qcmbr ini'm not a jw but we have a lot of door knocking in our area and i have to say ... there are a lot of really good looking ladies !!
is that your experience as well?